Louise Sallé, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credits: ARNAUD LE VU / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 06:14, 09 November 2023

According to the Marion La Main Tendue association, one in five children is affected by bullying at school. Faced with this, and to update these statistics, an anonymous questionnaire is distributed from this Thursday to all students, from CE2 to Terminale. This is in order to measure the extent of the phenomenon class by class.

It's National Bullying Day. A scourge that affects one in ten children according to official surveys, and even one in five according to the Marion La Main Tendue association, in a study published this week. To update these statistics, an anonymous questionnaire is being distributed from this Thursday to all students, from CE2 to Terminale. It will also allow school leaders to measure the extent of the phenomenon on a class-by-class basis.

Make children aware that they are being bullied

This questionnaire is a first step in inviting students to confide in each other. It is not intended to identify cases of bullying, but to make children aware that they are being bullied or are about to be bullied. For example, "Do you eat alone in the canteen?", is one of the questions. "It's all about prevention. We need to talk about harassment before it happens. Then, of course, it is to set up a real protocol for the reception of parents. Let's not forget that it is now also harassment in the bedroom, by telephone, which will require working with parents. "It's a matter of co-education," insists Eric Debarbieux, a specialist in school violence and co-author of the questionnaire.

>> ALSO READ – According to an Ifop survey, bullying at school is underestimated

Alexandra de Montaigne, deputy principal of a Parisian middle school, decided to involve the parents of the students. "With the parents of the students, there will be another time to work and discuss the results and also to present to families and colleagues to think about ways of support. One of the avenues, for example, that had been developed was to be able to have a place to collect the word in a room identified by the students," she explained to Europe 1. If the experiment works, this questionnaire could be redistributed each year in the classrooms.