Tatiana Geiselmann 13:53 p.m., November 09, 2023

This Thursday marks National Anti-Bullying Day in Schools. A phenomenon that affects nearly one in five children and has become one of the priorities of the Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal. An anonymous questionnaire, which is intended to assess the risk of bullying, was also distributed to all schools on Thursday.

For this national day against bullying at school, schools distributed a questionnaire to all students from CE2 to Terminale on Thursday in order to better assess the risk of bullying. In Erstein in Alsace, the pupils of the Romain Rolland secondary school first sang a song against the bullying they had learned in class. Then, they completed this famous questionnaire, filled out anonymously.

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"Triggering reactions"

44 questions about how they feel at school, how they feel about other students, including a section dedicated to social networks. "Do you receive or have you seen insulting messages about yourself on a mobile phone?" Students can then check a box ranging from one to four, depending on whether these events never occur or very often. It does not allow us to detect particular cases, but it does allow us to untie the word.

"The questionnaire can trigger things in them, reactions, awareness," a history and geography teacher told Europe 1 radio. "But I also told them that at the end of the questionnaire, if any of them have something to say, they have to do it directly."

>> READ ALSO – School bullying: what you need to know about the government's detailed plan to combat bullying

700,000 victims per year according to UNICEF

And precisely, one of the students of this sixth-grade class wanted to say a word to conclude these two hours of trivialized lessons dedicated to school bullying. "What's the point of harassment? Simply. That's right, what's the point?" she asks.

According to Unicef, nearly 700,000 students are victims of bullying each year in France.