It was earlier this year that the crime is said to have been committed. The investigation shows that the Social Democrats in Sörmland had had an after-work and that they had gone to several places.

Afterwards, the woman is said to have been invited to spend the night at the male politician's house, but opinions differ as to what happened after that.

Continues to be detained

The man says in the interrogation that he understood that the woman was involved in what later happened, while the woman says that she was not and that she fled in a taxi. She then reported the man.

The trial lasted throughout the day on Tuesday, and when it was time to end, it was decided, according to defense lawyer Jimmy Schiöld, that the man should remain in custody.

The verdict is expected to be handed down sometime later in November.

In the video: Hear what it sounded like from prosecutor Fredrik Beijar and defense lawyer Jimmy Schiöld earlier in the day.