Caravans on municipal lawns and a self-employed person who parked 17 company cars along the road are two examples of violations. But without parking fines, they have had to use vehicle removal, which has not had the desired effect.

"Then they move a metre and then you have to do it all over again. With fines, you can be more specific.

Different code systems stopped parking fines

The background to the lack of parking fines is a code error, where the municipality's codes did not match those of the Swedish Transport Agency, which meant that no fine could be handed out.


"Yes, in principle.

"Local regulations have also been wrong. If you set a fine, then it is not legal. We've talked to the police and why they can't, and also the Swedish Transport Agency why we haven't been able to start doing that.

Up and running in December

The new fees – SEK 1,000 for traffic hazards and SEK 700 for violating parking bans – were adopted by the City Council in February. They will now be introduced at the end of the year.

"We're on to more dangerous things. We have received the bot blocks and have a police officer who can take care of them. On smaller things, it will arrive sometime in December. We give them a week or so with warning labels first," he says.