On May 22, Råneå bathhouse reopened after a renovation due to legionella.

The municipality had then invested money in getting rid of the bacteria instead of closing down the bathing activities in the village.

'Less desirable test results'

But the joy of the people of Råneå was short-lived – after five months, the bathhouse had to close again.

It is unclear when the municipality can make further announcements.

– We have contacted experts who will investigate and in addition, further tests will be done to ensure the quality of the bathing water, says Mattias Kenttä, Section Manager Real Estate at Luleå Municipality.

Visiting other bathhouses

Luleå municipality encourages bathers to visit other bathhouses within the municipality while Råneå bathhouse is closed.

– We hope that regular bathers in Råneå understand the closure, as the test results are something we take very seriously.