Julio Iglesias' family is back in the news, although in this case it refers to his discreet brother Carlos Luis (78), who most of his life has opted for discretion. He has been a real estate developer for several decades and it was precisely because he did not make the declaration for the sale in 2001 of three plots in Vicálvaro for 46,277,932.04, for which in 1989 he paid only 601,012 euros, for which he has just been convicted by the First Section ofthe Provincial Court of Madrid.

At that time he was the manager of the company Rolimpa Trading Corporation and, therefore, its chief executive. After declaring on October 17, this noon the resolution has just been known. The sentence has been final in sentencing him to six months in prison and 29.5 million euros, which corresponds to the 19.6 million that he should have paid plus the relevant fine. The Public Prosecutor's Office demanded four years in prison and the payment of 98.2 million euros in fines and compensation to the Tax Agency.

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Carlos claimed that his domicile was in Panama, but in the 22 pages of the judgment it can be read that in the present case Rolimpa Trading Corporation, a company that should have had a domicile in Spain because its activity was limited to the sale of land located in Spain, should have contributed in 2 for the corporate income tax (a direct and personal tax levied on the income of companies and others legal entities."

Despite the bad news, Carlos Iglesias and his lawyers have the possibility of filing an appeal in cassation before the Madrid Court itself. Like his father, Dr. Puga alias Papuchi, he decided to study medicine, but abandoned his career to be the manager and manager of his brother Julio's successes. Both moved to live in Miami from where they increased their fortune by making various types of investments. In Florida he lived in a large mansion with his wife Mamen, with whom he has had three children, Carlos, Jorge and Marta, tremendously discreet and born in the North American country.

  • Julio Iglesias