William Molinié // AFP credits: AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP 19:59 p.m., November 07, 2023

On Tuesday, a large rally was held in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem in support of the 241 hostages still held by Hamas. During the day, 1,400 candles were also lit to pay tribute to the victims.

On Tuesday afternoon, nearly 240 people gathered at the Place du Trocadero in Paris, with red ribbons over their mouths, placards with the name, photo and age of each of the hostages held by Hamas. With this event, they wanted to call for the release of the hostages kidnapped in Israel exactly one month ago.

In Israel, too, rallies were held on Tuesday in memory of the 1400,<> victims of Hamas, but also for the hostages. Their families gathered in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem for a ceremony.

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Hundreds of people gathered

With their backs against the wall, large numbers of people continued to pour in. Relatives of the disappeared spoke from a platform and anonymous people came to pray in this sacred place. Entrusting herself to God is what Sarah, the granddaughter of a former rabbi from Tours, in Indre-et-Loire, intends to do.

"I came today (Tuesday) to be heart to heart with my brothers and sisters. We said a lot of blessings for God to bring them back, for God to protect them and for all those who live in the South to be able to go home," she said.

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"Do everything we can to bring our hostages back safe and sound"

All over the country, the walls of cities are plastered with his 240 portraits of hostages. Esther fears one thing, that time will pass and that they will be forgotten by dint of it. "We are a family, even though these hostages are not part of our blood family. But we feel like we're in a family. I feel really bad and I think the whole world is not doing enough to help. He's even silent," says the young woman.

"I don't know what the government can do today, but I know what it should do: do everything to bring our hostages back safe and sound," the man who identified himself as a teacher on a kibbutz on the border with the Gaza Strip told Europe 1 radio. "If it means releasing all Hamas detainees who are in Israeli jails, he must do it. If it means a humanitarian ceasefire, he must do it too," he said, while several of his students and fellow teachers are still in Hamas hands.

Candles will be lit on Tuesday evening on the esplanade overlooking the Western Wall. 240 candles for 240 hostages, a carpet of candles to guide the families of the disappeared towards the light.