Europe 1 with AFP 22:22 p.m., November 07, 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Tuesday that his country would be "part of the European Union" (EU), on the eve of the publication of a report on the progress made by Ukraine, which has candidate status.

"Tomorrow is an important day," he said in his daily address to the nation, calling the upcoming report "historic." The EU executive is due to report on Wednesday on the state of progress made by Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, and decide whether to open accession negotiations, before the EU27 takes up the issue at a summit in Brussels in mid-December.

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The EU had granted Ukraine candidate status in June 2022

Volodymyr Zelensky said his country was "already preparing the next steps", including by "strengthening" its institutions. "Ukraine will be part of the European Union," the president promised, referring to the "long road" already traveled to get closer to it. However, he recalled that this would require "work" by the country to "adapt to EU standards".

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In June 2022, the EU granted Ukraine candidate status, in a highly symbolic gesture. To move on to the next stage, i.e. the opening of accession negotiations, the European Commission has defined seven benchmarks for Kiev. These are conditions to be met, particularly in the fight against widespread corruption and judicial reforms.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in September that Ukraine had made "great progress" in this direction, and travelled to Kyiv on Saturday to discuss EU enlargement with Volodymyr Zelensky. In any case, Ukraine will have to be patient, as negotiations may take time to lead to accession.