Inspired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's history full of conflicts and wars, director Michael Kirk proposes the idea of creating a personal portrait of Netanyahu, in which he visually summarizes aspects of his personal life and intellectual formation, to know the nature of the internal engine that always pushes him to ignite conflicts, and to explain his commitment to a hardline political line compatible with a pessimistic view of the world, and a compulsive sense of permanent danger that threatens him and wants to undermine him and his Jewishness.

The American documentary "Netanyahu at War" not only addressed all these aspects, but also stopped reflecting on the sharp controversies and contradictions between him and former US President Barack Obama and his administration, most notably the position on the Iranian nuclear program, and the agreement concluded by Obama with Tehran.

The film examines the conflicts of the region, especially the Arab-Israeli conflict, and tries to intensify it spectacularly, despite the vast historical space on which it worked and recruited to interpret and analyze its most dramatic events. The great production potential helped him to involve important characters in the film, and to obtain rare personal videos, carrying information that remained confined for many years to narrow circles, but thanks to the film became known to the world, and contributed to raising its level from a documentary researcher on the personal side to a prospector in the analytical history.

"The Man Who Stopped the Devastating Danger to Israel"

Director Michael Kirk starts from Netanyahu's speech to members of the US Congress, in which he directed them against President Obama, and encouraged them to prevent him from implementing his political plans and projects that contradict Israel's interests, especially those related to the Iranian nuclear program, because this speech reveals part of the nature of his hostile personality and political rigidity, and summarizes the problem on which the architecture of his cinematic script will be built, and then proceeds from it to vital areas closely related to the character (portraiture) and the orbits in which he moves.

Many of Netanyahu's arrogant rhetoric in which he transcended diplomatic norms and the imposition of respect for the world's most powerful friendly country refer to the nature of his composition and his absolute conviction of the validity of the historical role he plays, through which he wants to write his personal glory.

Netanyahu's speech to members of the US Congress, in which he pitted them equivocally against President Obama

The obsession with obtaining the title of "the man who stopped the devastating danger to Israel" pushed him to the limit, he did not pay attention to Obama's anger at him, nor to the alienation of his team, which found in his actions a reason to stop it, a short pause on an American platform followed by a severe crisis between two men of different composition and references, one of whom suckled with his mother's milk fear and hatred of the other, and the second - despite the imperial influence he represents - followed the experiences of great leaders who were distinguished by wisdom and hope, such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

Subsequent developments will reveal the actions of each of the two men towards the other, and the results achieved by "Netanyahu" in a war he ignited against an American president characterized by cohesion and a strong sense of superiority stemming from the strength of the state he leads, according to the testimonies of experts hired by the documentary to draw preliminary sketches for both men, which can be added to the rest of its artistic elements to strengthen its narrative body, and enhance the vitality of his movement in personal fields, as a cinematic choice he wanted for himself.

The son of a professor of melancholic and radical history. Hate genes

Netanyahu's participation in the special unit that stormed the Sabina plane shortly after it was hijacked by members of the Palestinian organization "Black September" in 1972, represented a milestone in his military and personal history, the bullets that hit his arm during the storming made him a national hero received by the head of state and awarded him a medal, and these bullets will strengthen his Israel after a break from it, due to his long presence in the United States of America.

While Netanyahu charts the rest of his life, the American documentary "Netanyahu at War" dates back to his childhood, a large part of which he spent in America with his father, after leaving Israel angry, because its universities refused to appoint him as a professor of history, due to his hardline and skeptical positions.

Documentary records Netanyahu's period with dozens of rare visual materials

His father's melancholy view of the world has moved to him and the rest of his brothers, so he believed in the permanent conspiracy theory against the Jewish people, and considered the whole world hating them and their Semitism, taking the appropriate opportunity to exterminate them, he was not convinced that there are friends for them in the world, and from history he brought out what reinforces his conviction that the Jewish people should eat wolves before they eat them, and raised his children to hate and fear the other, and to trust only themselves.

"Good Israel and evil Arabs." The ladder of political success

Netanyahu devotes his boyhood and youth to studying and working to strengthen Israel's existence, by showing the world a weak and peaceful state that the surrounding enemies want to destroy, and he learned to perform his role from his father, and the 1967 war strengthened his conviction and the correctness of his opinion, and as a result, he still portrays to the world after it Arabs and Muslims as greedy aggressors who united against them, and that Israel's victory stems from the strength of their religious faith and their historical right to all the lands they seized.

The killing of his brother enhances his personal standing, and the propaganda and incitement role he was assigned to play in the United States will be fully consistent with his political temperament and personal composition, and will be very consistent with the ideas with which the occupying power feeds its children and asks them to convince the world of them.

Netanyahu-Obama gathering photo

Netanyahu's submission to this policy in full, his desperate defense of Israel, his association of terrorism with the Arabs on every occasion, and his promotion of the idea of "good Israel and the bad Arabs" is what led to his appointment as spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington, and then its ambassador to the United Nations at the age of thirty, in preparation for his expected role in domestic politics.

Fighting peace and killing peaceful solutions. Man against all

The documentary records the period of Netanyahu's beginning with dozens of rare visual materials, and a large amount of references and documents, including what is related to the 1967 war, the rest of the Arab-Israeli wars and Palestinian uprisings, the role of extreme right-wing parties in spreading hatred against Arabs, and how Netanyahu cooperated with them after assuming advanced positions in the Likud Party, which made his historical material the richest in the film for the strength of its relationship with the main topic, which is "Netanyahu" and his wars, and as a strengthening element for the durability of the film's architecture, and the beauty of his directorial style that combines the dazzling of the image With all its American specifications, and the power to work on details, with well-known European specifications.

Netanyahu's wars are many, and perhaps the most heinous of them is his war on peace, as he stood throughout his political life in opposition to every effort that wanted to resolve the conflict in non-violent ways, he had full faith in what his country took, and he found it unfair to return what was taken from the Arabs to them by any means.

Therefore, he became famous for his war on the Oslo Accords and wanted to thwart it in all ways, either by procrastination, or empty slogans, or fear of its results, and of the Palestinian state that promised to establish it on the 1967 borders, and when the moment when Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin signed the agreement, he ignited a war on it and Rabin, and the agreement was the reason for the assassination of Rabin.

In the Oslo chapter, we witness a war with an American president who participated strongly in the operation, and considered the assassination of its Israeli side directed against him personally.

Bombing Iran's reactors. A war that the White House nipped in the bud

The documentary reveals secrets related to the escalation and incitement against the Oslo Accords, and how Netanyahu rejected the demands of the US administration and US President Bill Clinton's efforts to reduce the heat of the Israeli street against the agreement.

The film also reviews the history of the US administration's relationship with him during the Obama period, as the contradiction was clear between a very reactionary conservative orientation and a pragmatic liberal orientation that wants to create an international political climate that allows peaceful solutions, instead of fighting wars, and addressing the issue of nuclear reactors was within this perception.

President Nejadi Visits Iran's Nuclear Reactors

What is interesting is that the documentary gets details of the military plans prepared by the Israelis to bomb nuclear reactor sites inside Iran, and how Obama thwarted them by preventing them from giving them the green light. In the absence of a sure guarantee that an American intervention on their side, in the event that they were unable to implement their plan, the Israeli military found a strong obstacle to launching their attack, and decided to postpone it.

"Does this think he's the leader of the world's greatest nation?"

The US president's policy angered Netanyahu, so he went to Washington in order to gain the support of the Jewish community for his efforts, and to incite Republicans against his decision to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue peacefully. Another war Netanyahu fought coincided with the Arab Spring, when he stood firmly against it, unlike Obama, who was enthusiastic about it.

One of the pleasures of the scenes of the American film is to know the details of Obama's position on the Arab mass movement, and how he wanted it to succeed and open a new path for the development of the region towards democracy, while Israel stood against it, and wanted its failure, so that it does not come at the expense of its good relations with Egyptian President Mubarak in particular.

The portrait of Netanyahu is as dark as his soul and ideas that he fed on

Netanyahu's biggest concern was Iran and its nuclear program, so he mobilized the world against the Democrats and allied during the second election cycle of "Obama" with the Republican candidate, and demanded that the Jewish community support him, but devoted millions to propaganda for him, and on the eve of the elections he was sure of the success of his plan, but he was surprised by Obama's sweep of him, so he felt disappointed and broken translated into rudeness and rudeness expressed in more than one meeting with the US administration, to the point where one of the president's advisers once asked: Does this think he is the leader of the world's greatest nation?

Obama and Netanyahu. Comparison between men of wisdom and hate

The portrait painted of "Netanyahu" is dark and dark, like his soul and the ideas that fed on it, and to convey the details of the painted character and its changing expressions after each war, director Michael Kirk resorted to dimming the screen, changing the colors of the film from colored to black and white, and gradually approaching his eyes to show the degree of hatred inherent in them, while letting his camera lenses quietly withdraw from the depth of Obama's photograph to the outside, to show the general balance he enjoys.

It also gives the viewer the opportunity to compare the two characters, and their conflict that spanned years, during which Netanyahu lost much of his American relationship, which was the cause of his political rise, and has long relied on it to justify his endless wars, since he has been nourished since his childhood on a long legacy of hatred and hatred.