Gauthier Delomez 13:00 p.m., November 06, 2023, modified at 15:48 p.m., November 06, 2023

While the immigration bill is being debated in the Senate this Monday, Pascal Praud makes the listeners of the program "Pascal Praud et vous" react, to be listened to every day from 11 a.m. to 13 p.m. on Europe 1. Among them, Laurent explains why he is more in favour of "selective immigration". Listen to the excerpt again. You can react at

The immigration bill, a real test for Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, is being examined this Monday in the Senate. One of the articles of this text, which provides for a one-year renewable residence permit for undocumented workers in sectors with a shortage of manpower, does not have a consensus between the right and the centrists. What do you and Pascal Praud's listeners think? One of them, Laurent, explains why he prefers "a chosen immigration" rather than "a forced immigration".