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SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich has reacted distantly to statements by Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) that Germany must become fit for war. "I would not adopt this choice of words," Mützenich told the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" and the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" (Saturday). To become war-ready or capable of war does not do justice to the complexity," Mützenich noted.

The terms could "contribute to even greater uncertainty and, in case of doubt, also fuel social conflicts over these difficult topics." In the Federal Republic of Germany, we have always rightly spoken of defence capability," said the SPD parliamentary group leader. That's what it's all about, and we're doing a lot to achieve that with the special fund of 100 billion euros."

Pistorius: Permanently spend two percent of the budget on defense

Pistorius had said last Sunday on ZDF: "We have to get used to the idea again that the danger of war in Europe could threaten. And that means that we have to become fit for war. We have to defend ourselves. And set up the Bundeswehr and society for it."

A few days later, he added in the FAZ that it was a matter of "being able to wage a defensive war." The need to prepare for this does not only apply in the short term, Pistorius stressed. "Regardless of which parties are in charge from 2025 onwards, they will not be able to shirk this responsibility." When the 100 billion euro special fund for the Bundeswehr is used up, there must be "a permanent reflection" of NATO's goal of spending two percent of economic output on defense "in the regular budget."

Pistorius stressed that Germany would not lose sight of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine despite the escalation in the Middle East. "Ukraine is under attack by Russian dictator Putin," he said. "That's why it's our duty to stand by Ukraine." This is "an attitude that is not up for discussion."