, Beijing, November 11 -- Taiwan's "Economic Daily" recently published a report introducing Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, sorting out the history of the local Beixin ruins and Beixin culture.

The report pointed out that the Beixin site is located in Beixin Village, Guanqiao Town, Tengzhou City, Zaozhuang, with an area of about 5,7300 square meters, and its age is about 8400,16 to <>,<> years ago, which is the earliest Neolithic site found in the Huanghuai region, creating <> most cultures and the source of civilization.

Beixin Cultural Center. Image source: Taiwan's "Economic Daily"

The Beixin Cultural Relics Park is divided into two areas: the Beixin Cultural Center and the Beixin Ruins Protection and Exhibition Area.

The sculpture standing in front of the Beixin Cultural Center is taken from the Beixin Ding unearthed in 1978 at the Beixin site, which is a typical pottery during the prosperous period of the matrilineal clan society 7500,<> years ago, and is the earliest Gaiding found so far. The exhibition in the museum is full of pictures and texts, introducing the discovery and excavation of the Beixin site, the naming and significance of the Beixin culture, the cultural relics of the Beixin site and its historical and cultural value.

The Beixin Ruins Protection Exhibition Area is located on the south side of the Cultural Center, entering the exhibition area, the first thing you see is the tall stone archway, the cultural relics protection monument and the "Beixin Cultural Site" monument, along the path to the west, you can see a number of restored semi-crypt-like thatched houses.

Similar to the origin of most famous civilizations in the world, the Beixin civilization was also born and thrived by water. The Xue River is the mother river of Zaozhuang Tengzhou area, which gave birth to the splendid Beixin culture and the agricultural civilization here. The south bank of the old road of the Xue River is the transition zone between hills and plains, the terrain is flat, the land is fertile, the east is close to Longshan, the north is adjacent to Xueshui, it can be cultivated, hunted and fished, and it provides suitable settlement conditions for the ancestors of Beixin.

Beixin site is the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology Shandong team in 1964 along the Xue River on both sides of the cultural relics survey discovered, 1978 autumn to the spring of the following year, after two large-scale excavations, unearthed a large number of stone tools, pottery, bone tools, mussels and horn tools, etc., after scientific determination, about 7500 to 8400 years ago, is the source of the Dawenkou culture.

During the excavation of the Beixin site, it was found that there were obvious traces of pillar foundations in the residential area, which showed that the houses at that time were semi-crypt-type, thatched houses with walls and roofs, which could shelter from the wind and rain, and were warm in winter and cool in summer. At the same time, there were ditches around the perimeter of the inhabited tribes to prevent the invasion of wild beasts.

The Beixin site has created 16 most cultures and sources of civilization: the earliest tribal tribes, the earliest agricultural civilization, the earliest family farming, the earliest fishery production, the earliest pottery craft, the earliest writing symbols, the earliest kitchen revolution, the earliest clothing civilization, the earliest wine-making technology, the earliest funeral rites, the earliest house building, the earliest matriarchal clan, the earliest Guxue culture, the earliest city-state culture, the earliest Dawenkou culture, etc. (ENDS)