Aerial bombardment is one of the most prominent means used in wars, which leads to the killing of those who fall under this bombardment, or their serious injuries.

The World Health Organization offers a set of tips to protect against aerial bombardment, which we review here.

First of all. Find refuge

  • Examples of places to take refuge are underground places, cellars, tunnels.
  • It is best to stay near walls that do not have windows or glass, but do not lean on them.
  • Avoid contact with a hard wall, as you may be injured as a result of explosion shock.
  • Lie on the floor with your hands above your head and your mouth slightly open.
  • If you're outside, head to the nearest building.
  • If you can't find an underground shelter, take refuge in the bottom of the building.
  • Stay away from windows. Cover windows with plastic sheeting and duct tape, if possible.

Secondly. Take shelter if you are out in the open

  • If there are no buildings that can be reached immediately, look for the lowest area of land, for example a trench, and stay low.
  • As shrapnel from a bomb blast flies upwards, the safest area is the lowest level of the ground.
  • Lie face down and put your head in your arms.

Thirdly. Other preventive measures

  • Cover exposed skin with any non-flammable material during bombardment, if possible. If such materials are not available, you can use a coat, jacket or newspaper; these things may be able to protect your skin from serious burns.
  • Close your eyes, as this prevents debris from entering them.
  • Keep your mouth slightly open to protect your lungs from blasting.

Things to do if you are in a war zone

  • Select the safest room in your home, for example. If there is no basement, bathrooms are often the most solid and have few windows.
  • Bring plastic sheeting and duct tape, and glue the windows, as this will help protect them from breakage due to the impact of the explosion.
  • Make a custom shelter from the table and mattress.
  • Be sure to provide drinking water (for example, fill the bathtub with water) and food.

Things not to do during shelling

  • Don't look at the airstrike.
  • Do not go out and take pictures of the raid.
  • Do not sit near windows.
  • Do not lean on the wall.
  • Stay away from gathering in large groups, especially outdoors.