• UK Boris Johnson to present evidence to defend himself against 'Partygate'
  • UK Boris Johnson acknowledges "the damage and rage" caused by Partygate and apologises in the British Parliament

Boris Johnson asked two eminent scientists tasked with advising the government about the possible use of a special hair dryer located near the nose to fight Covid-19, his former adviser said.

Dominic Cummings, who was Boris Johnson's chief adviser, said in a written statement released on Wednesday, regarding the public inquiry into the management of the pandemic, that Johnson circulated in March 2020 "a video of a guy using a special hairdryer on his nose to kill covid and asked the government's scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, and Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty, what did they think?"

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United Kingdom.

Dominic Cummings testifies in writing against Boris Johnson in 'Partygate'

  • Written by: CARLOS FRESNEDA (Correspondent)London

Dominic Cummings testifies in writing against Boris Johnson in 'Partygate'

United Kingdom.

Johnson 'bypasses' Sunak and personally delivers his messages to Covid inquiry

  • Written by: CARLOS FRESNEDA (Correspondent)London

Johnson 'bypasses' Sunak and personally delivers his messages to Covid inquiry

He added that the video is no longer available, because it was removed from the YouTube platform.

In addition, he described Boris Johnson as someone "extremely absent-minded" and listed his financial problems, caused by the finalisation of his divorce.

"His current partner wanted to announce their engagement" and the former president "said he wanted to work on his book on Shakespeare, which has not yet seen the light of day."

Dominic Cummings, a former adviser to Johnson, after testifying. ADRIAN DENNIS - España | AFP

The release of this testimony on Wednesday comes a day after an overwhelming day for the former prime minister in the public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic.

Boris Johnson's former advisers said on Tuesday they had seen him overwhelmed by events and unconcerned about the victims, in a country hit hard by the pandemic, with more than 230,000 dead.

On Wednesday, senior civil servant Helen McNamara called the messages she received from the former prime minister "violent and misogynistic" and Dominic Cummings denounced the "toxic" atmosphere that reigned during his tenure.

Dominic Cummings himself was plunged into a media storm for having travelled in the middle of lockdown, but Boris Johnson supported him and kept him in office despite the controversy.

Boris Johnson was forced to resign in July 2022, due to a succession of scandals, mainly over parties in Downing Street, which violated anti-covid health rules.

  • United Kingdom
  • Boris Johnson
  • Covid 19