In June, the alleged gang leader was released on parole after being imprisoned for, among other things, aggravated weapons offenses.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service decided to ban the man from staying in several places, to make it more difficult for the man to continue his criminal career and affect the area of Kronogården.

The police had noticed a change when the man was in prison.

In a previously unknown memorandum, the police describe how their relationship with residents in Kronogården improved when the man was locked up.

The ban was lifted

However, the positive trend would not continue, as the stay ban did not come into force.

The ban was appealed and overturned by both the Probation Board and the District Court – because the Prison and Probation Service failed to justify why the man should be banned from staying.

In the end, the ban was approved in the Court of Appeal, after new information from the police. But by then, the period that the ban was to apply had already expired.

Change of attitude in Kronogården

During the summer and autumn, the alleged gang leader has instead been able to move freely throughout Trollhättan.

According to the police, it has had a direct negative consequence in Kronogården as people have begun to distance themselves from the police – again.

"The situation in the area is so alarming that there is an imminent risk that the area risks being particularly vulnerable," the police write.

New stay ban

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service has now once again decided to ban the man from staying. It applies from October 27 but will be appealed by his lawyer. The role of gang leader is also rejected.

"It's incomprehensible. There is no support for what the police claim, says lawyer Bernard Emanuelsson.

SVT Väst has contacted the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, which does not want to be interviewed, on the grounds that they do not comment on individual cases.

Neither Jenny Wester, local police area manager for eastern Fyrbodal, nor police area manager Jörgen Thorén want to answer questions about the case.