, November 11 -- The State Council Information Office held a press conference this morning to introduce the relevant situation of "promoting the high-quality development of health care and protecting people's health". Lei Haichao, deputy director of the National Health Commission, said at the meeting that he would continue to increase the supply of health services for the "old and young". Strengthen the daily health management and services for the elderly over 1 years old, especially the disabled and semi-disabled elderly, promote the construction of national regional geriatric centers and geriatric hospitals, and set up more than 65% of geriatric departments in general hospitals above the second level. The Maternal and Infant Safety Action and the Healthy Child Action Improvement Plan will be implemented in depth, and the screening rate of newborns for hereditary and metabolic diseases should reach more than 60%.

Lei Haichao introduced that since the beginning of this year, the National Health Commission has made every effort to promote the smooth transition of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, do a good job in the normalized prevention and control of "Class B and B Tube", accelerate the promotion of the Healthy China Action, select 49 national regional medical center construction projects, start the construction of 81 compact urban medical groups, promote the high-quality development of public hospitals, comprehensively promote the construction of a compact county-level medical community, launch a three-year theme action to improve the medical experience and enhance the patient experience, and vigorously promote the development of the rural medical and health service system. 82.7% of public hospitals above the second level have carried out appointment diagnosis and treatment services, and the per capita basic public health subsidy level has reached 89 yuan. There have been new improvements in the accessibility, equity and quality of basic public health services. The National Health Commission will continue to solidly promote the high-quality development of health care, mainly in the following aspects:

The first is to carry out the Healthy China Action and the Patriotic Health Campaign in depth to further control the main influencing factors of residents' health. Actively advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and promote the construction of sanitary towns and healthy towns. Implement the National Nutrition Plan and the Rational Diet Campaign, and promote the prevention and treatment of major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. Strengthen the management of mental illness and the management of occupational disease hazards, and further control and eliminate the hazards of a number of major diseases;

The second is to focus on improving the level of medical and health services at the grassroots level, and continue to deepen the reform of public hospitals guided by public welfare. Improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and promote the balanced distribution and expansion of high-quality medical resources. We will continue to promote the construction of national medical centers and national regional medical centers. During the "750th Five-Year Plan" period, the state, provinces, cities and counties will support the construction of no less than 5000, 1,1000 and 1000,<> key clinical specialties respectively. Strive to make its medical institutions reach the level of tertiary hospitals in cities with large populations. At least <>,<> county-level hospitals across the country have reached the capacity and level of medical services of tertiary hospitals. Focus on promoting <>,<> central township health centers to reach the service capacity and level of secondary hospitals, and form a development pattern of integration of urban belt and township, county and township, and rural areas. Optimize medical services and quality management, improve the medical emergency system that combines emergency and rapid response, and the national emergency medical rescue team covers all provinces;

The third is to resolutely build a solid public health protection network to effectively provide a strong guarantee for safeguarding the people's health and economic and social development. We will continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the areas of the new crown epidemic, influenza and mycoplasma pneumonia in children, and continue to strengthen the prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis, as well as the prevention and control of endemic diseases. systematically promote the reform and high-quality development of the disease control system, improve professional capabilities in monitoring and early warning, emergency response, laboratory testing and epidemiological investigation, promote the coordination and integration of medical prevention and prevention, and basically build a strong public health system that meets the needs of national public health;

Fourth, we will continue to increase the supply of health services for the elderly and the young, and promote the high-quality development of the population. Promote the optimization of the birth policy support system, and support the construction of inclusive childcare. Strengthen the daily health management and services for the elderly over 65 years old, especially the disabled and semi-disabled elderly, promote the construction of national regional geriatric centers and geriatric hospitals, and set up more than 60% of geriatric departments in general hospitals above the second level. The Maternal and Infant Safety Action and the Healthy Child Action Improvement Program have been implemented in depth, and the screening rate of newborn hereditary and metabolic diseases has reached more than 98%;

Fifth, vigorously promote the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and provide more convenient and accessible traditional Chinese medicine services. Implement major projects for the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the construction of a national demonstration zone for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine, and carry out pilot projects for the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. Implement the training project of talents with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, strengthen the cultivation of high-level talents in the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and promote the implementation of the project of promoting traditional Chinese medicine culture;

Sixth, we should coordinate and do a good job in various guarantee and support work to promote the high-quality development of health care. Adhere to the Party's leadership of health work, strengthen the dean's responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee, improve the health rule of law system, and enhance governance capacity. Complete biosecurity and fire safety supervision and disposal systems. Guided by demand and application, we will vigorously enhance the ability of medical science and technology research and innovation. Promote the coordination of medical education and the high-quality training of medical talents, strengthen the training and allocation of grassroots talents, and strive to build a grassroots health service team that can be trusted by the people. In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively promote the construction of the "Healthy Silk Road" and actively participate in international health governance.