— Tell us about the company's work until February 2022 and how it has changed since the start of the special military operation?

— The company is more than 20 years old. We have always been engaged in outerwear and work mainly with outdoor fabrics, that is, fabrics for outdoor activities. Accordingly, we produce clothes for people who are engaged in various sports and for being in extreme weather conditions.

Before the special military operation, during the coronavirus pandemic, the company helped our doctors by creating bioprotective suits for work in the "red zone". They also received government orders for the production of clothing for medical workers.

When the special military operation began, the company first helped our soldiers as volunteers. However, since the autumn of last year, servicemen have been asking us to supply them with professional equipment.

  • Warrior 143 Tactical Shirt
  • © "Russian Power"

This opened a new page in the history of our business. In the development and establishment of production, Russkaya Sila was greatly helped by the accumulated knowledge, the ability to quickly adapt to new tasks, well-established production technologies and a base of reliable suppliers.

At the moment, the company employs more than 150 people. The team is engaged in the creation of new products, design, technological development and sewing of finished products.

Initially, we produced single-layer windproof outerwear, but then our range of tactical clothing expanded significantly. Today, for our brothers, the fighters of the NWO, "Russian Power" makes suits of varying complexity from membrane fabrics.

The main product for military personnel at the front is the "Warrior" line. It consists of wind-resistant clothing ("Warrior-107", "Warrior 102", "Warrior 110", "Warrior 128", etc.) and suits that protect fighters from open flames and shrapnel damage ("Warrior 136", "Warrior 126", "Warrior 158 multiforce").

We also produce anti-fragmentation ballistic necklaces (protect neck vessels from shrapnel – RT), "five-pointers", light anti-fragmentation vests, anti-fragmentation suits for dogs of canine units and capes that hide people and equipment from detection by thermal imagers.

A large number of volunteers distribute our products at the front. There are also centralized purchases by some military units.

— Why does Russkaya Sila use membrane fabrics as a raw material? Why are they so good?

"The choice of membrane, of course, is related to its properties, which are critically important in extreme field conditions. Membrane fabrics are coated on both sides with special chemical compounds that allow the fabric to breathe, not to blow, not to freeze, to retain heat and remove moisture. At the same time, the product itself is light, warm, and wear-resistant.

  • Dog handler of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Warrior 126 costume
  • © "Russian Power"

An example of a high-quality membrane fabric is the so-called softshell. It is a material that is pleasant to the touch, which is a heat-bonded membrane. The waterproof value of the softshell from which we make the suits is 10 thousand mm of water column, or Waterproof 10000 mm according to the English classification. The indicator shows how high the water pressure needs to be in order for it to start penetrating through the material.

Softshell is a two-layer material whose properties allow you to retain heat. In fact, such a suit replaces two layers of clothing: a jacket and a fleece jacket. In fact, the smaller number of layers is precisely the meaning of such tactical clothing. It is quite thin, light, warm, breathable, does not restrict movement and is extremely practical.

I am proud to say that our windproof tactical suits turned out to be in great demand at the front almost at any time of the year. They have become a habitual garment for many military personnel, helping them to endure all the vagaries of the weather in a combat zone. Our suits are especially needed by snipers, who have to remain motionless in their positions for a long time.

— Are membrane fabrics used in the production of what is commonly referred to as combat equipment? What novelties in this assortment does "Russian Power" make for the fighters of the NWO?

"The production of army equipment is also not complete without membrane fabrics. For example, a very successful product, in my opinion, is the non-flammable demi-season suit overalls "Warrior 136". It does not restrict movement at all, has a water-repellent impregnation and means of ventilation.

The Warrior 136 is designed for military personnel who work with fuel and lubricants in one way or another and are at risk of suffering from fire. This applies to tankers, artillerymen, crews of infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles.

However, it is necessary to understand that "non-flammability", or fire resistance, does not mean that a protective suit will not be destroyed if it is thrown into an open fire or hung over a fire.

You can't fool the laws of physics. The temperature of an open flame is about 1700 °C. For comparison, the average melting point of metal is 1200 °C. It is clear that no fabric is able to effectively resist an open flame.

  • A trace of shrapnel hitting the protective suit of the "Russian Force"
  • © "Russian Power"

The trick is that when you try to set fire to the Warrior 136, it does not light up with a torch, but carbonizes, that is, goes out. In the NWO zone, fire-resistant suits help save lives when there is a detonation of ammunition, a fire in military equipment, an explosion in a trench or dugout followed by a fire.

The Warrior 136 is comfortable, does not bully under the bulletproof vest, has a large number of pockets and double-sided hygiene, which is extremely important when working with overalls. In addition, the suit has oil, oil, water repellency properties, retains static electricity and has an unprecedented respiration coefficient of 25,000 grams per square meter for 24 hours. The jumpsuit really breathes, and it's not hot in it.

Russian Power also receives a lot of positive feedback on anti-fragmentation suits. Since the beginning of 2023, they have been supplied to units of the Airborne Troops. For the high quality of our products, we received commendations from the 45th Special Forces Brigade and the 98th Winged Infantry Division.

The most effective anti-fragmentation suit in the line of "Russian Power" is the "Warrior 158 Multiforce". Its top layer is represented by a non-flammable membrane, then there is a heat-resistant anti-fragmentation composite and a fire-resistant lining.

Most of all, the Warrior 158 is in demand among participants in active hostilities - assaults, raids, ambushes. The suit protects the soldier from striking elements flying at speeds of up to 330 m/s. The Warrior 158 has passed all the necessary tests: it was shelled with shrapnel at the training ground and fully complies with the GOSTs adopted in the army.

— Are anti-thermal imaging capes of your production used in the NWO zone? What tasks do they help to perform?

"Through volunteers, anti-thermal imaging canvases are constantly supplied to the special operation zone, which are used to camouflage equipment and people. Depending on the type and size, they can be worn on a tank, cars, hide a person or an engineering structure such as a dugout.

In addition, anti-thermal imaging products are becoming increasingly important during evacuation. In addition to its direct purpose, the anti-thermal imaging blanket can be easily used as a stretcher and as a "sanitary nest" - a shelter that is a temporary collection point for the wounded.

  • Anti-thermal imaging blanket on the engine of an armored vehicle of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • © "Russian Power"

Such products are very much needed by our soldiers on the front line due to the abundance of UAVs and compact surveillance equipment that allow us to detect our equipment and manpower, including at dusk and at night.

Now "Russian Force" produces an anti-thermal imaging blanket measuring 210 × 260 cm to shelter people in a dugout, in an unequipped position and during evacuation. This model has two modifications.

The company also supplies the front with two types of composite blankets that combine several properties: The first type of blankets has anti-splinter and anti-thermal imaging properties, the second has anti-splinter, non-flammable and anti-thermal imaging properties. In addition, we have been supplying anti-thermal imaging capes to the NWO zone for a long time, and, according to available data, sometimes they even protected against shrapnel after a direct hit by ammunition.

— What are the company's plans for the creation and supply of new products to the NWO zone?

- Since January, the Warrior 126 low-cost anti-fragmentation suit without non-flammable properties has been widely supplied to the NWO zone. It is well suited for different seasons and serves as a tactical windproof suit. The model has gained an excellent reputation, and now almost all military personnel who know about us would like to receive our anti-fragmentation equipment. By the end of the year, the next batch of Warrior 126 should be transferred to the front.

Therefore, the plans of the "Russian Force" are primarily related to the expansion of the production of anti-fragmentation suits. In this endeavor, the company is supported by sponsors, individuals, and some foundations, but it is not yet possible to dress everyone.

At the moment, we are working on the development of a combat shirt that can trap shards. The shirt will have a different shape from the suit, and will also receive additional protective elements in the chest and back projections.

Focusing on the feedback and wishes of the fighters, "Russian Power" is working on the issue of leg protection. At the moment, anti-splinter leggings and insoles have been developed. Their production will be launched in November. And in the same month, the first batch will be handed over to our soldiers.