CCTV News (News Network): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is the trend of the times and an urgent requirement for high-quality development to open up new fields and new tracks for development and shape new momentum and new advantages for development with scientific and technological innovation. Since the beginning of this year, China has adhered to innovation and leadership, and while consolidating its traditional advantages, it has made continuous breakthroughs in the fields of new energy and new generation information technology, shaping new advantages in China's economic development.

The latest data show that in the first three quarters of this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4.0% year-on-year. Among them, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 6.0%, and the three major indicators of the shipbuilding industry continued to lead the world. The continuous growth of the manufacturing industry has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality development of China's economy.

At the same time, new industries, new technologies, and new products continue to emerge - in the first three quarters of this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles increased by 33.7% and 37.5% year-on-year respectively, and advanced manufacturing industries such as integrated circuits and optoelectronic devices increased significantly. Nearly 9000 million sets of equipment have been connected to the industrial Internet, the production time of enterprise production lines has been shortened by nearly 20% on average, and nearly <>,<> digital workshops and smart factories have been built in China.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, make new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, lead the comprehensive revitalization of the industry with scientific and technological innovation, and create a highland for industrial scientific and technological innovation. In Jiangsu, the general secretary asked the local government to continue to cultivate new industries with new technologies and lead industrial upgrading; In Heilongjiang, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to "accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces and enhance new momentum for development"; In Jiangxi, the general secretary stressed the need to "consolidate the foundation and rejuvenate the new", pointing out that it is necessary to "accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the development and growth of strategic emerging industries, and actively deploy future industries".

Since the beginning of this year, all localities have accelerated the cultivation and development of new momentum based on their respective industrial advantages. Shanghai began to implement the three "new track" industrial action plans of green and low-carbon, metaverse and intelligent terminal industries; Guangdong focuses on high-end manufacturing, builds a multi-level laboratory system, releases a series of world-leading innovative achievements such as super-resolution microscopes and ammonia fuel engines, and gradually realizes large-scale production and application.

Under the guidance of innovation, a number of new industries and new forms of business have emerged at an accelerated pace since the beginning of this year. From 5G+ marine ranches to 5G+ offshore drilling platforms, with the continuous coverage of 5G in key coastal areas in China, a number of new smart marine applications have been accelerated. From storage to underground and oil displacement to conversion into solid calcium carbonate for reuse, innovative technologies that turn carbon dioxide waste into treasure are accelerating the opening of a new green and low-carbon track.

According to the latest data, in the first three quarters of this year, investment in high-tech industries increased by 11.4 percent year-on-year, 8.3 percentage points faster than all investment, of which investment in high-tech manufacturing and high-tech services increased by 11.3 percent and 11.8 percent respectively. At present, China has built 45 national advanced manufacturing clusters in the fields of new generation information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, and new energy, with a total output value of 20 trillion yuan in leading industries.

At present, China is accelerating the comprehensive integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, supply chain, data chain, capital chain, service chain and talent chain, continuously improving the level of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, accelerating the pace of transformation of old and new kinetic energy, promoting the transformation and upgrading of economic structure, and accelerating the realization of high-quality development.