A misleading map published by the American network "CNN" sparked widespread outrage on social media platforms, after it showed misplaced Israeli cities, which some considered an unacceptable mistake, and others saw it as deliberate misinformation and falsification of the truth.

The map published by CNN showed Tel Aviv near the official Golan rather than its location in the center, as well as the transfer of the settlement of Sderot, which was the center of attacks by the Qassam Brigades during the Al-Aqsa Flood operation launched by the Palestinian resistance on the seventh of October.

The bloggers pointed to the misinformation, which they considered deliberate, by moving Sderot away from the Gaza envelope so that the viewer would not wonder why a settlement was established in that area adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

I don't believe it, by God, CNN published a map of the current
conflict, changing places,
taking Tel Aviv to the Golan, and changing the location of Sderot, the settlement that was stormed
because it doesn't want the settlement to be in the Gaza envelope. So why would someone be surprised when they live there?
It's not possible that the lowlife of
the map is changed,
criminals https://t.co/xYytdDZTdZ

— Federista🇺🇦 (@Hakeemfederer) October 22, 2023

Other bloggers considered the wrong map to be an unintentional mistake caused by the spillover of news coverage of the war on Gaza, which has been criticized professionally.

Bloggers said that the American media, which supports Israel in its aggression against Gaza, is ignorant of the rules of geography in addition to ignorance of the facts of history.

This is the American war media that supports Israeli artillery and rockets in its aggression against Gaza. He is not only ignorant of the ABCs of history, but also of the most basic rules of geography. Gaza is facing both the oppression and the pettiness of evil. pic.twitter.com/0smFyISxeV

— Rami Kh (@RamiNKhrais) October 22, 2023

For further explanation and clarification in order to understand the level of misinformation practiced by @CNN
Look at the map. You will find the Sderot settlement on the Gaza Strip. It is natural to be surprised at its location. #GazaGenocides pic.twitter.com/gr2RrHHVOo

— ̨n2049ۅh22 (@noah_moh2023) October <>, <>

The network has yet to offer an apology or explanation for publishing the wrong map.

U.S. media coverage has been criticized for the apparent pro-Israel bias of major news programs covering the Gaza war.

The Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip continues for the 18th consecutive day, targeting inhabited homes and public facilities, which led to the death and injury of thousands, most of them women and children.