More than 93 French celebrities have signed a petition calling for an end to the Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip since October 7 "to avoid losing more lives."

The petition, published by French media and called an "appeal for peace in the Middle East", called for "an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, the release of all hostages and respect for international law".

Appel du monde de la culture pour un cessez-le-feu immédiat à Gaza. #Paix #Justice #Israel #Palestine

— Cartographe encarté (@cartococo) October 23, 2023

"For decades, the occupation has deprived Palestinians of their fundamental rights and freedoms. Displacement of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes – some for the second or third time – would be another catastrophic injustice, and would distance us from the possibility of achieving a just and lasting peace, and from security for both peoples. This cannot happen."

"We support all those calling for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to save as many lives as possible and allow humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza who need it most. We call for the release of all hostages held in Gaza."

"We call on everyone to respect international law, which prohibits harming civilians in any context. All governments must stop supporting serious violations of international law and arm the perpetrators."

"Far from pain and mourning, we are driven by the unwavering desire to defend our common humanity, freedom, justice, equal rights, peace and dignity for all people. Because we are walking with a deep desire to end the bloodshed. We will never be free until we are all free."

The petition was signed by 93 personalities, such as 2022 Nobel Prize winner for Literature writer Annie Ernault, football legend Eric Cantona, actors such as Chirine Boutla and director Manal Labidi.

France's proud MP Raquel Garrido wrote on her X account: "When artists are committed to giving an echo to the human aspirations of French society, we can only pay tribute to them. Thanks."

Quand les artistes s'engagent pour donner une résonance aux aspirations humanistes de la société française, nous ne pouvons qu'applaudir.

🙏🏽 Thank you #Cessezlefeu

— Raquel Garrido (@RaquelGarridoFr) October 22, 2023

Activist and blogger Frederick Egron asked sarcastically, "Will Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin come out to accuse Cantona of belonging to Hezbollah, as he did with Benzema when he accused him of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood following his solidarity with Gaza?"

Et la @GDarmanin le grand courageux va nous dire que eric cantona est proche du Hezbollah ?? Tu veux lui retirer la nationalité ???

— Frédéric Aigron (@FAigron) October 23, 2023

Since October 7, the Israeli occupation has continued to target the Gaza Strip with intensive air strikes that destroyed entire neighborhoods, killing 5087,2055 Palestinians, including 1119,15 children and 273,<> women, and wounding <>,<> people, according to the Ministry of Health in the Strip. An unspecified number of missing persons are also under the rubble.