When the polls open on Sunday morning, Javier Milei looks set to get the most support, according to most opinion polls. However, in order to be elected president in the first round, at least 40 percent of the votes are required. A second round of voting in November is therefore likely.

Milei calls himself an "anarcho-capitalist," claims that global warming is a lie, and says that the sale of human organs should be "one more market."

In an interview with former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, Javier Milei accuses his compatriot Pope Francis of having an "affinity with communist murderers", something that – also – created strong reactions.

The controversial moves have meant that Milei has been at the center of the election campaign, says Andrés Rivarola, professor at the Nordic Latin American Institute at Stockholm University.

"This means that even the negative criticism can be to his advantage," he says.

Anger at the Establishment

But perhaps what most attracts voters is Milei's anger at what he calls "la casta," the political establishment.

Anti-establishment rhetoric has emerged in many countries in recent years and is partly the result of an internationally coordinated campaign, Rivarola points out.

"They try to paint themselves as some kind of people's representative against power, and this is probably Mileli's version of the same story," he says.