The party's ambition now is to build more wind power, despite the fact that the message in the election campaign from many Moderates in the country is the opposite.

At the same time, the party leadership wanted to limit the municipalities' ability to veto wind power – but the proposal was stopped and the municipalities' self-determination is intact. This was decided at the AGM over the weekend.

Instead, the party leadership agreed to the proposal that the property tax paid by wind power companies should go to the municipalities instead of the state.

But not everyone is happy with the new climate policy. Since 2010, the party has lost support in the big cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.

According to Christofer Fjellner (M), member of the party board, who has led the work of developing M's new climate policy, the proposal needs to be put in a larger context.

"We are redesigning climate policy for Sweden, we must make the transition in such a way that Sweden is a winner and that means increased growth with better competitiveness so that other countries are inspired by us," he says.

He believes that one of the more important components is that Sweden needs more of all fossil-free electricity production, including wind power, better permit processes and more predictable electricity production.

Letting the voters down

Many moderate municipal politicians went to the polls to stop various wind power projects and believe that wind power is not a sustainable energy supply. But at the Moderates' meeting, the proposal was voted through unanimously.

But Christofer Fjellner does not think it is true that the party has betrayed the voters who thought there would be a stop to more wind power.

"Then you only listen to half the story. What we are saying is that we need more of all fossil-free production, including wind power, to cope with the green transition," he says.