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Reprimanded AfD member Bausemer: "Inaccuracies in self-presentation"


Sebastian Willnow / dpa

The AfD has reprimanded two of its candidates for the European elections for inaccurate information in their CVs. A party convention had discussed the allegations against her in detail, the party said in a statement. The two persons concerned were present and questioned. "The Convention criticizes the inaccuracies found in the self-presentation of the candidates during the constellation meeting, but considers the accusation of deliberate deception, which has been raised in part, to be unfounded in the end."

The two candidates, Arno Bausemer and Mary Khan-Hohloch, had hit the headlines in the so-called impostor affair – because of allegedly false information about professional and university degrees in their CVs. The allegations had been confirmed in an internal AfD review. The party leadership then spoke out in favor of both not being allowed to hold any internal party offices for two years. However, the list of candidates for the 2024 European elections, including Bausemer (Saxony-Anhalt, 10th place on the list) and Khan-Hohloch (Brandenburg, 14th place on the list), was retained. On the other hand, there were demands from the party base not to allow her to enter the EU Parliament for the AfD and, if necessary, to repeat the nomination of candidates.

The Convention has now decided against it. A "subsequent intervention" in the democratically elected list should be refrained from "also with regard to the legal certainty of election participation and the admission of the AfD list," the statement said.

According to information from the German Press Agency, representatives of the federal party and the state associations had met in Barleben near Magdeburg for the consultations.
