A mass march roamed the British capital on Saturday to demand an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and an end to the Israeli occupation, as the war of extermination on Gaza enters its third week.

According to the Metropolitan Police, up to 100,<> demonstrators gathered in central London for a pro-Palestine rally, with participants holding banners reading "Freedom for Palestine" and "Stop the bombing of Gaza".

On the day that little aid entered Gaza, protesters gathered in the rain at Marble Arch near London's Hyde Park before marching to the government district of Whitehall.

Many chants and banners included strongly anti-Israel slogans, and one protester held up a banner with a picture of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the words "wanted for war crimes."

This comes amid strong warnings from police that anyone who expresses support for Hamas will be arrested, and they will not tolerate any act classified as a hate crime.

The march ended peacefully and there were no reports of any arrests.

Demonstrations worldwide

In Barcelona, Al Jazeera correspondent Ayman al-Zubair said that the number of participants in the demonstration currently taking place - which enjoys the support of more than 140 civil and human rights organizations - exceeded 70,<>, and it is one of the largest demonstrations in Barcelona.

He added that a number of Spanish cities are witnessing parallel demonstrations, including the capital Madrid.

In Sydney, Australia, it witnessed a march in support of the residents of the Gaza Strip and condemning the Israeli war on the Strip, and the Palestinian Working Group, which organized the march, said that about 15,<> participated in the march, and raised banners in support of the Palestinian cause, and protesters waved Palestinian flags, and demonstrators chanted the slogan "Palestine will never die."

In the city of Düsseldorf (western Germany), thousands of demonstrators held up banners, one of which read "For peace, justice and human dignity in Palestine", and another banner read "Against war, violence and aggression in Gaza", and participants waved the Palestinian flag.

Participants in a march in Washington to denounce the bombing of Gaza (Al Jazeera)

Auckland, New Zealand's most populous city, also witnessed a mass march in support of the Palestinian cause, and citizens and expatriates from all national and religious spectrums participated in the event, and the demonstration roamed the streets of the city chanting for the liberation of Palestine, and demanding an end to the siege and an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Thousands of demonstrators protested in front of Congress before moving in front of the White House, with participants raising slogans demanding freedom for Palestine and an immediate ceasefire, and demanding that President Joe Biden send humanitarian aid to Palestine instead of battleships.

In New York, more than a thousand people demonstrated in Manhattan near the United Nations building in solidarity with Gaza, chanting slogans accusing Biden and Netanyahu of genocide in Gaza and vowing accountability.

Japanese activists and Arab and foreign residents also demonstrated near the Israeli embassy in Tokyo to denounce the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, and the demonstrators demanded that the Japanese government declare a firm stance against Israel's violation of all human rights and international laws.