"Russia is the most terrible threat. Moscow will undoubtedly try to interfere in the European Parliament elections. To this end, it will allocate huge sums, using manipulation as a weapon," the MEP is convinced.

According to Tomac, election campaigns will soon begin in the EU, and with them will start "disinformation campaigns." The MP stressed that "false reports and manipulations" have a negative impact on democracies, undermining trust in institutions, elections and people.

Against this background, he asks in the letter how the European Commission intends to ensure fair European elections.

"Does the commission plan to apply a system of severe sanctions against people who promote and spread fake news in this regard?" asked Tomak.

As Vladimir Olenchenko, a senior researcher at the Center for European Studies of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explained in a conversation with RT, the statements of the Romanian politician are unfounded anti-Russian propaganda.

"There is a general tendency to stir up public opinion in their countries and in the European Union as a whole with alleged threats from Russia. This is due to the desire of the countries to take part in the common chorus led by the United States, and it is aimed at spreading anti-Russian sentiments and hindering normal ties with Russia," the analyst said.

Earlier, the European Commission announced cooperation with the German authorities to find ways to interfere with the work of the Russian media.