Jonas Ekelund has several theatre performances behind him, all with the self-created character Johnny Boy at the center.

"To see the laughter and never be so depressed. That's kind of the whole point," says Jonas Ekelund.

A spark of ideas

At the time, Jonas engaged both professionals and amateurs in Jokkmokk in the creation of the theatre and in collaboration with the culture school, the performances of Johnny Boy became a reality.

"Jonas started a lot of people here in the village, both as an actor and a musician," says cultural educator L Phoenix Lindgren at Jokkmokk's cultural school.

New show

Now, together with the School of Culture, Jonas Ekelund is making a film about himself and his theatre creation.

At the same time, he is working on a new show, also with the character Johnny Boy and his somewhat rowdy family at the center.

"I have autism, but also different authorities. But most of all, I'm a scriptwriter and also a folkrace profile," Jonas introduces himself.

Meet Jonas and some of his co-stars in the clip above.

Jonas Ekelund makes a scene in his documentary. Photo: From Jonas' documentary