IVO, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate, has reviewed the social welfare board's handling of the 15-year-old boy who subjected nine-year-old Luna to a brutal act of violence at Morö Backe in Skellefteå.

According to IVO, the social welfare board in Skellefteå has failed in several cases that came to the social welfare board's attention before the violent crime in June 2022.

Receives criticism on several points

Among other things, they should not have reported to the police reports that the boy had been abused by his parents.

Nor did they choose to investigate another suspected assault on a woman, in which the 15-year-old was involved – a year before the assault on Morö Backe. The boy is said to have said that the whole thing was an "accident" and the case was dropped.

SVT has previously reported that the boy has appeared in several cases of abusive treatment of other students, despite that, the school chose not to make a report of concern to social services.

Need to take action

IVO is now demanding that the social welfare board report on how measures have been taken to ensure that the shortcomings will not be repeated.

The Board has until 30 October to respond to IVO.

SVT reached out to Skellefteå municipality for a comment.

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