Watch the clip where her daughter talks about everyday life at Queen Silvia's Children's Hospital.

It all started a few days after Aleyna's 13th birthday when her mother discovered that she had strange bruises and was unusually tired.

Concerned about her condition, they quickly sought treatment at the health center, and from there, everything went very quickly.

"Our whole life was turned upside down in just a few days," says Meltem Cimen.

Rare disease

Initially, doctors suspected leukemia, but after careful testing, they were able to determine that Aleyna was suffering from aplastic anemia, a rare disease in which the bone marrow no longer produces enough new blood cells.

"At first, we were happy that it wasn't cancer, but then we realised that there were very few treatments for aplastic anemia. To be sure that you get a full recovery without relapse, a stem cell donation is needed," says Meltem Cimen.

It has now been two months since they received the news and since Aleyna is very susceptible to infection, they want to get a stem cell donation as soon as possible.

The register saves lives

Mother Meltem wants more people to register in the Tobias Register, Sweden's national registry for potential stem cell donors.

"Saving someone else's life is precious," says Meltem Cimen.

What does it mean to be a member of the Tobias Register?

In the clip below, you can hear Marcus, whose donation helped a man with cancer in the United States.

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