The number three of Vox in Palma, Sandra Barceló, has been sentenced to pay a fine of 240 euros for beating her boyfriend's ex-partner in a cocktail bar in Palma, although her party has advanced that the councillor will appeal this judicial decision.

The councillor in Cort has also been sentenced to compensate the victim with 150 euros for the injuries caused during the attack, which occurred last December, as the newspaper Última Hora has advanced.

The municipal group Vox Palma has communicated in a note that Barceló, in view of the sentence issued this Wednesday by the court of instruction number 5 of Palma, will file an appeal against it considering that there is an error in the assessment of the evidence.

For the formation, in the unfavorable sentence for Barceló "none of the evidence practiced at the hearing has been taken into account, so the fundamental right to the presumption of innocence has not been respected".

Barceló got into an argument with his partner's ex-girlfriend and they insulted each other. He also pushed the complainant, who hit her head on the bar counter. The woman suffered injuries for which she had to receive medical assistance. In view of the judicial resolution on this matter, the councillor has advanced that she will appeal.

  • Palma de Mallorca
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