On the morning of October 10, President Xi Jinping met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy, who came to China to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and paid an official visit at the Great Hall of the People.

Xi Jinping pointed out that he was glad to meet with Mr. Prime Minister again after less than two months. Congratulations to Ethiopia on being invited to join the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism. Welcome to visit China and attend the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Ethiopia is an important participant in the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past 10 years, China and Ethiopia have been at the forefront of China-Africa cooperation in a wide range of cooperation areas within the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, with abundant results and benefits to the people. I propose to upgrade China-Ethiopia relations to an all-weather strategic partnership, in which the two sides should continuously consolidate friendship and mutual trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation, become "all-weather" friends for common development and win-win cooperation, and promote South-South solidarity and cooperation and safeguard international fairness and justice.

I appreciate the recent Green Heritage Initiative by Mr. Prime Minister. China is also actively carrying out the construction of a green China, and we believe that green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. Green development benefits the world, which is the proper meaning of jointly building a green "Belt and Road" and the only way to address climate change and build a green earth. China is willing to take the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation as an opportunity to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with Ethiopia. I would like to have an in-depth exchange of views with you.

Executive Producer丨Shen Yong Feng Xuhong

Reporter丨Shi Wei, Wang Pengfei, Liu Huimin, Wang Xiaodong, Ding Xin

Camera丨Li Zheng, Ma Chao, Lu Hongyu

Recording丨Sun Yang