Next to Victoria School in Ängelholm, a 10-year-old girl was stabbed on her way home from town. An exerciser saw the injured girl on the ground and probably saved her life.

"Neither he nor the girl had a mobile phone on them, so he carried her to a nearby house that could raise the alarm," prosecutor Linda Seger said in court on Tuesday.

Within two weeks, five girls had been attacked.

Panic alarm call was played

During the trial, the 112 call was played to reproduce a picture of the immediate panic that arose after the man knocked on the door of the couple Britt and Lennart Sjöstrand, who were able to alert SOS Alarm.

Eleven minutes later, an ambulance arrived at the scene. And when the conversation was played, many in the courtroom became emotional. Several members of the audience burst into tears, even the 34-year-old seemed to be touched by the alarm call.

"I think this is one of those cases where people wonder how could this happen? And I think that has to do with her well-being from things that are far back in time, says the 34-year-old's defense lawyer Eleonora Johansson.

The woman has admitted that she is behind four of the attacks, including the stabbing, but does not agree that it should be classified as attempted murder. An investigation has established that the woman suffers from a serious mental disorder.

Quickly arrested with suspected murder weapon in bag

19 minutes after Britt Sjöstrand alerted SOS Alarm, the now accused woman was arrested. In connection with the arrest, the police were also able to secure an important piece of evidence – the presumed weapon – a bloody knife in the woman's bag.

In addition to the attempted murder of the 10-year-old girl, the 34-year-old is also charged with assault and aggravated assault for the other four attacks she is suspected of.

In the clip below, you can see what has happened in the case so far.

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In the clip above, you can see what has happened in the case so far. Photo: TT