How are preparations for a manned lunar landing progressing? What are the selection criteria? Yang Liwei revealed these →

During the 21 hours and 23 minutes of the Shenzhou V flight, Yang Liwei said that he only slept for half an hour because time was too precious, and all his experiences and feelings became the first first-hand experience that Chinese astronauts gained in space. After the successful completion of the Shenzhou 10 mission, especially in the past <> years, China's manned space development has also entered the fast lane. Now, for astronauts, both the living conditions in the sky and the training methods on the ground have changed a lot. What has changed? Take a look at the interview.

Lao Chunyan: I remember you wrote in your book that you spent more than 10,000 yuan on a video camera.

Yang Liwei, deputy chief designer of China's manned space project: Because at that time, in the first few years of our study, we did not have simulators. Unlike now, when everyone sees our background, it is a one-to-one space station simulator, and the space station can learn one-to-one. Less than a year into the mission, we developed the simulator. Everyone lined up inside to learn and train. I bought a video camera, took the video, the photos, made it, and did it on the computer.

Yang Liwei: This is a simulation place for our space station, mainly for experiments. Before our mission, astronauts really worked here for a month, eating, drinking, and sleeping all here while simulating.

Lao Chunyan: Except it's not weightlessness.

Yang Liwei: Yes, it's the same as in space. This is inside the space station.

Lao Chunyan: This is the bedroom.

Yang Liwei: Yes, our bedroom. You see some different cabinets, and there are some dining areas.

Lao Chunyan: That's a bag.

Yang Liwei: Yes, that's all bags.

Yang Liwei: Further over there, it's the Tianzhou. There are a lot of handles here, which are all for astronauts to work and operate conveniently, control their bodies and postures.

Yang Liwei: This is their private space, with a hanging window to look outside.

Lao Chunyan: The conditions of the space station are really good now.

Yang Liwei: Our entire space is about 50 cubic meters, and I flew only 6 cubic meters.

Lao Chunyan: This is a bellows, and every time astronauts go on a campaign, they have to carry a bellows.

Yang Liwei: For ventilation, he uses this when we go out to prevent astronauts from wearing very hot inside. After the ventilation is turned on, there will be a circulation here, and it will not be hot.

Yang Liwei: Our flying spacesuit is much more complicated than this, it is a small spacecraft that condenses it into clothing, which is heatproof, flame retardant, and radiation-proof. There are many, many different airtights, and there are many layers to make up.

Yang Liwei: The whole garment is more than 120 kilograms. This costume has also been improved a lot from when we first flew Shenzhou <>, when we worked about four to six hours of exposure outside the field, and now we have more than eight hours of work.

Yang Liwei: This is a collection device for stool, this is a collection device for urine. In weightlessness, he had to fix his legs or float away, carrying a set of deodorizing devices behind him.

Yang Liwei: Closely related to him is the urine processing subsystem, urine tank, urine tank, to be distilled. With this set of equipment, after further processing, it can be reused.

Lao Chunyan: This urine is also useful.

Yang Liwei: Now the recycling rate is very high, reaching more than 85%, and we can drink it after processing. We now have an environmental control health protection system, which we call regenerative. When I fly, we call it carrying, and everything is brought with us.

Lao Chunyan: This can reduce the upward pressure, a gram of gold.

Lao Chunyan: What are the changes between the training method and the training method prepared by Shenzhou 5?

Yang Liwei: This has changed too much. One is more scientific, and the other has more projects. Early flights were short-lived, and each mission was groundbreaking. Now, for half a year or even a year in the future, the requirements may be different, which brings a lot of characteristics to our training, and now it is more scientific and targeted.

Yang Liwei: The key is that we now have more means, including our facilities and equipment. When the first batch came, we also went to skydiving training, and now we don't need it when we get to the second and third batches. For example, when we get out of the cabin, we can simulate weightlessness in the sink.

Lao Chunyan: You are now the deputy chief designer of manned space engineering, but you are also an astronaut, are you still training?

Yang Liwei: Yes, we are still participating in the basic training of astronauts.

Yang Liwei: Every year we will evaluate the astronauts, our first batch of astronauts, because they are relatively old, all training everyone has to do. Including swivel chairs, centrifuges, including now centrifuges, we are still doing 8 Gs, and we are still at an excellent level. My centrifuge basically didn't make the top three, and the swivel chair was stronger.

Lao Chunyan: In today's terms, it is very "rolled".

Yang Liwei: If you want to do better than others here, you have to work hard. The best quality of an astronaut is persistence.

Lao Chunyan: Will there be regrets in your heart?

Yang Liwei: Of course there will be regrets. Seeing some of our same batch, the first batch of astronauts flew twice, three times, four times, many flights, in fact, there was an impact.

Lao Chunyan: You envy them.

Yang Liwei: Of course.

LAO Chunyan: What do you think of mission, responsibility and sacrifice?

Yang Liwei: The interests of the country are above all else, and it is worth it if you pay your life for her. When Shenzhou 50 was launched, the astronauts themselves chatted together and said, 50% safety certainty, dare to go on? <>% we dare to go up. In fact, our projects are <>.<> percent.

Lao Chunyan: Behind the bravery is responsibility.

Yang Liwei: The interests of the motherland are above all else, this is such a sentence that may have been implanted in everyone's hearts when we established the brigade.

Yang Liwei: In the past 20 years, we have changed, some have not changed, and what has changed may be the development of many of our projects. For astronauts, what remains unchanged is really the original intention, as an astronaut, just now you are asking why you have been participating in training, in fact, as an astronaut, the original intention is like this.

Space exploration is an expedition that is always on the road. While the three-step strategy of manned spaceflight has been completed, and the Chinese space station has fully entered the application and development stage, Chinese astronauts are also preparing for a new journey towards deep space.

Lao Chunyan: The next step is to land manned people on the moon.

Yang Liwei: For the direct lunar mission, it has not yet entered. We are already doing some of the work in the early stage, for example, the astronaut who landed on the moon must have experienced the flight of our space station, we hope that he has flight experience and experience, and we are now the fourth batch of astronaut selection, such as his knowledge structure, including some training projects, will make some considerations for us to land on the moon in the future.

Yang Liwei: The second is from the training program, now our flight, we enter the space station, is completely in microgravity. In the future, for example, when it comes to the moon, there will be 1/6 of gravity, which will require human coordination and operation, because the operation of the lunar rover will also be carried out in space.

Lao Chunyan: Now the astronaut system is already preparing for a manned lunar landing.

Yang Liwei: Yes, because the preliminary work must be done, and our training facilities have to start doing it now, because it must have a development process. Many training programs for astronauts, including some outlines, including what is needed, are now being done, and the costumes are now in the development stage.

Lao Chunyan: When we select the crew for manned lunar landing, what special requirements and standards will there be?

Yang Liwei: You must have rich flight experience, or experience. The second is to have better psychological quality, perhaps better psychological quality than when we fly to the space station, after all, we fly farther.

Lao Chunyan: From the space station to the moon landing, we will go to farther planets in the future, are we preparing for this?

Yang Liwei: In fact, we are doing a moon landing now, but the moon landing must not be the ultimate goal, and we may go to more far-reaching space exploration in the future, which is also a purpose for us to engage in manned spaceflight and use this resource to serve mankind. (CCTV News Client)