Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News (Reporter Wu Yanan) The three-day 3th National Sugar and Wine Party ended in Shenzhen on October 109. This is the first time that the Sugar and Wine Festival "checked" in Shenzhen and appeared in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with an exhibition area of 10,14 square meters, 22 major exhibition areas and 8 special areas, and a total of 12,4012 enterprises with 40,<> exhibits participated in the exhibition, setting a new record for the scale of the autumn Sugar and Wine Fair.

The reporter learned from the briefing on the sugar and wine meeting held yesterday that the exhibition is large-scale, innovative, international, production and marketing docking effect is good, the total number of visitors reached 25,<>, VIP buyers selection meeting announced nearly <> billion yuan of procurement demand, comprehensively demonstrated the recovery situation and innovation achievements of China's food and alcohol industry, highlighting the huge potential of China's food and alcohol consumption market.

Famous products, "fireworks" gather business opportunities. Many brand enterprises appeared in full costume at this year's sugar and wine fair, not only Maotai, Wuliangye, Fenjiu, Luzhou Laojiao, Shuijingfang, COFCO Great Wall, Tianjin Dynasty, Guyue Longshan, Mengniu, Chali, Ganyuan, Fujian Qinqin, COFCO Sugar, Zilin Vinegar Industry and other well-known enterprises that participated in the exhibition for many times, but also Yashang, Jinda Candy, Carbine Bear and other famous enterprises that participated in the exhibition for the first time.

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More than 100 Greater Bay Area enterprises participated in the exhibition, including Shenzhen Agricultural Investment, Eternal Asia, Youhe Group, Fosun Group, Kashi Dairy, Hong Kong Zhentaste Group, Huihai Group, Love Wine Club, Macao on the fifth day of October, and Jinyan, focusing on the profound food industry heritage and strong industrial and commercial strength of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In addition, local delegations from Beijing, Shandong, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu, Harbin, Dongguan, Wuchang, Qingxu and other provinces and cities participated in the exhibition.

Taking advantage of the location of the central cities of the Greater Bay Area, this year's sugar and wine fair is full of international standards, with exhibitors from 36 countries and regions, the largest in all autumn sugar editions. According to the statistics of the organizing committee, more than <>,<> professional visitors from Hong Kong and Macao came to watch the exhibition. Buyers from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, Panama, Brazil, Argentina and other countries jointly built under the "Belt and Road" attended the conference to discuss procurement, highlighting the characteristics of this year's sugar and wine fair with high internationalization and linking global trade, and bringing valuable opportunities for Chinese food and wine to "buy global" and "sell globally".

The "cornucopia" effect is significant. This year's sugar and wine fair held a series of themed activities to promote the production and marketing docking of manufacturers and help the signing of transactions, such as special inspection activities, product selection meetings, and centralized signing ceremonies. Among them, the VIP Buyer Selection Conference invited nearly 50 enterprise procurement decision-makers such as BTG Group, Famous Family, Wumart Group, Sam's Club, and China Resources Vanguard to jointly announce the procurement needs of nearly <> billion yuan at this year's sugar and wine fair, and accurately docked through various forms such as demand release, on-site promotion, exchange and selection, and free negotiation. At the centralized signing ceremony, BTG Group, Yizhan Chain, Ningxia Helan Mountain East Foothill Wine Industry Park, Chengdu Qingbaijiang District, Beijing Longxing, Yashang Food and other pavilions and exhibitors concentrated on industrial policy publicity and characteristic product promotion, and signed contracts with buyer representatives.

During the exhibition, the organizing committee also joined hands with industry associations, think tanks and well-known manufacturers to bring a number of industry forums, seminars, product promotion meetings, new product launches and other professional activities to promote transaction-oriented.

The reporter learned that the multi-department linkage of the city and district has taken a large number of meticulous measures around a series of service guarantees and atmosphere creation of the sugar and wine fair, which has created a good business environment for the successful holding of the exhibition, provided a strong guarantee, and fully demonstrated Shenzhen's confidence and confidence in accelerating the construction of an international convention and exhibition capital.