It was the night before the second of July that 18-year-old Maja, as we call her, was going to meet some friends in Trollhättan.

But what was supposed to be a fun ending to Saturday night turned into a nightmare.

After Maja passes a bus stop, she notices how a man is stalking her. The man becomes increasingly intrusive and tries several times to pull her behind houses or bushes.

Manages to start the mobile camera and film the perpetrator

Maja starts her mobile phone camera and films how she is being molested. On the recording, she can be heard trying several times to get the man to stop. After filming, she calls a friend – who in turn alerts the police.

The man becomes more and more aggressive and finally drags Maja behind a substation, where he rapes her.

Even then, Maja manages to turn on the mobile camera. And captures the assault rape on film.

"I've never been so scared in my life," says Maja.

Maja's real name is something else.

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Here, the rapist is caught by the surveillance camera – after which he has disappeared without a trace. Photo: SVT