David Markowitz has conducted his research in the United States and divides online dating into three different phases where different types of lies occur: the profile, matching and getting-to-know-you stages.

In the profile, the lies are usually about appearance or financial status. Men mainly lie about height and women about weight. Women choose images in which they look younger than in real life. Men's images may include luxury goods such as a sports car, even though they don't always own them.

A lot of people are honest in the chat

After the matching phase comes the so-called get-to-know-you phase, when the parties start chatting with each other. Markowitz has studied this phase in search of lies.

His study shows that only about seven percent of messages in the chat are misleading.

"Almost two-thirds of the lies we found in our study were 'self-presentation lies'. Lies that make a person seem interesting, attractive or sympathetic," says David Markowitz.

The self-presentation lies are, for example, about how often they exercise and how similar the parties are with each other.

The remaining third of the lies are falsehoods about why you didn't answer sooner, where the people pretend to be busier than they really are.

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