Major European cities such as Paris have had problems with bed bugs in public transport for several years. Anticimex was therefore commissioned to carry out an inspection of subway cars in SL's depot. It was during an inspection like this that traces of bed bugs were discovered the other day.

"Our technician didn't find any bed bugs, but our dog did mark traces of bed bugs. This means that there may have been live eggs on the seat cushion," says biologist Thomas Persson Vinnersten at Anticimex.

Bed bugs thrive in bed

The majority of all bed bugs are found in the bed, and they generally do not thrive in the subway, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten. He has never experienced bed bugs hanging out with people home from public transport.

SVT has reached out to SL and MTR, who do not want to comment on the find.

In the video above, biologist Thomas Persson Vinnersten at Anticimex talks about how the dog Palle found the track.