Alfredo, 60 years old and alleged murderer of the doorman of Calle de Alcalá, is still missing. Nicknamed El Gorila, he is wanted for slitting the throat of Esteban, 68, last Tuesday in his home at first C of number 366 Alcala Street, in the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood of the Madrid district of Ciudad Lineal.

These images that accompany this information were recorded by a neighbor of the property on September 30. He is a tall, obese person with a large white beard. In the video he is seen entering the house of a woman to whom he asks for food, fruit and "whatever". The resident gives him several foods and offers him some items that the man does not accept because of his eating problems.

The alleged criminal had many economic problems, did not work and was all day asking the neighbors to survive after squandering the inheritance and the flats of his parents. He has no police record. "He lived at full speed and squandered everything his parents left him on sprees," says a resident who says the fugitive had an "uncontrolled" relationship with a younger woman and began to "melt" his parents' legacy into parties, drinks and gambling. He didn't work and lately he spent his whole days at a nearby kebab where he charged his phone. His phone has been turned off since last Tuesday afternoon. Nor does anyone know anything about the bike with which he moved. Group V of Homicides of the Judicial Police Brigade is on his trail.

Esteban's funeral took place this morning in Madrid. His relatives had to wait 33 hours to enter the house of the alleged murderer, where the body of the doorman was found.

On Tuesday, Esteban was last seen alive. On Wednesday it was possible to verify by the security cameras of the building that he had entered Alfredo's house at 18:00 p.m. and that he did not leave again. Eleven minutes later, the alleged murderer left the house.

That same Wednesday, the family notified the police who urgently requested an order to enter and search the house. Access to the home was finally authorized at three in the morning on Thursday. As expected, Stephen's beheaded body was found.

"It was clear that my father was in that house, I saw the recordings and I have done the investigative work of the Police," said the son, who "does not understand how the door was not thrown down to check if a crime had been committed." "This neighbor was a very troublesome person, he had a lot of debts and asked neighbors for money very often. Therefore, we believe that, once again, he asked my father for money and that led to a confrontation between them, "said Esteban Jr. today. "Now I just want justice, that they find him as soon as possible," the victim's son said before his father's burial.

The son said today that the police told him that if he broke down the door he could face nine years in prison. And the agents added that if they did so they "could be out of work forever and go to jail." Esteban Jr. maintains that there was enough evidence to have broken down that door without waiting for judicial authorization.