• Interview Cova Tomé, Podemos candidate for Asturias: "The leadership of Podemos is being a problem for me" (17-5-2023)
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The national leadership of Podemos has suspended its only deputy in the General Assembly of the Principality of Asturias, Covadonga Tomé, from militancy, to which they have opened a disciplinary file.

Tomé received the communication this Friday afternoon around 18:30 p.m. The document indicates that the file is initiated by the Technical Team of Podemos Asturies, acting as a collegiate body having been aware of the existence of "some facts committed by the registered Covadonga Tomé, which have characters or indications of infringement of the Statutes".

The letter includes up to nine facts, related to statements made by the current deputy at different times of the electoral campaign in the media about members of the regional leadership of the party and criticism of the management of the leadership. They also accuse her of attending meetings and events on behalf of Podemos "disregarding the representative bodies of the party, democratically elected, and constituting herself without authorization of the same in supposed representation of Podemos".

Tomé, who is part of the Mixed Group of the General Meeting along with the deputy of Foro Adrián Pumares, has also been expedientado for "having decided on the destination of the parliamentary funds made available to the Mixed Group", as well as the hiring of Laura Tuero as parliamentary assistant "without agreeing said provisions and appointment with the leadership bodies of the party".

The leadership of Podemos adds that Tomé, since she has been elected regional deputy, "has not donated anything of her public salary in the way that is established in the internal regulations of Podemos". All these facts have been considered by Podemos as "serious" and "very serious" infractions.

As these are facts that could constitute serious and very serious infringements, the processing through the ordinary procedure of the Statutes corresponds, being competent for its instruction the Commission of Democratic Guarantees autonomic. In the case of Asturias, this Commission resigned from its functions, its powers being assumed by the state.

In addition to Tomé, the national leadership has expedientado other 27 militants of Podemos, including more members of the candidacy of the last regional elections such as Xune Elipe and Laura Tuero.