The man, who is in his 30s, moved to Umeå about a year ago. He has previously lived in southern Sweden.

He is known to the police since he was arrested a few days before the murder when he is suspected of having threatened a man with a weapon. Until then, the man has not been convicted.

David Helgesson, head of the police's serious crimes department, describes it as if things have gone downhill for the man in a short time.

"This is a person who has not been known in our contexts before, and then in a short period of time there have been a number of events that have culminated in this incident, that we suspect that one person has been murdered," says David Helgesson.

Residents alerted

The man is suspected to have been under the influence of narcotics when he allegedly threatened the man and during the suspected murder. According to the police, the man and the murdered woman have known each other for some time.

David Helgesson does not want to comment on whether the man has confessed to the crime.

"He has been interviewed on a number of occasions and has then given an account of what happened," says Helgesson.

According to him, it was a resident of the property at Haga who raised the alarm about the suspected crime.

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Watch as police examined the crime scene after the suspected murder. Photo: Lukas Deininger/SVT