The Court of First Instance and Instruction number 3 of Collado Villalba is investigating the responsibility of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and former counselors Enrique López and Enrique Ruiz Escudero in the deaths of elderly people in nursing homes in the region during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic.

In an order dated October 2, to which EFE has had access, the judge reopens the case regarding the three aforados, by order of the Provincial Court of Madrid, and agrees to the practice of proceedings to determine whether or not there are indications of the commission of a crime of homicide or reckless injuries or omission of the duty of assistance.

The Provincial Court of Madrid upheld the appeal filed against the order in which the provisional dismissal of the case was agreed with respect to the president and the two former ministers of Justice and Health.

The complaint has been filed by the relatives of a person who died in March 2020 in the residential center Torrelodones-Sanitas Mayores.

Among other proceedings, the judge summons to testify as witnesses on November 7 the former Minister of Social Policies Alberto Reyero, the former general director of Socio-Health Coordination of the Community of Madrid Carlos Mur and the former director of Public Health Yolanda Fuentes to clarify their relationship with the protocols of non-referral of elderly people from residences to hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic.

It also asks the Ministry of Health to provide the Court with the shock plan, announced on March 26, 2020, its development, implementation and resources used in it; the coordination protocols for the care of institutionalized patients in residences for the elderly in the Community of Madrid during covid-19, adopted by the General Directorate of Socio-Health Coordination and the health resources and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided by the Community of Madrid to residences broken down by dates.

  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso