This is the first year of operation of the Latvian company. It was registered in Jurmala in September 2021. The company is engaged in the production of medical syringe nozzles, a special flat platform with many small silicon needles. Such a system allows medicines and vaccines to be delivered to the body directly through the skin, bypassing the bloodstream. From open data, it is known that Skinport received up to € 50 thousand investments from the Latvian accelerator Commercialization Reactor Accelerator B7.

Formally, Konstantin Pevchikh does not have a share in the Latvian company. There he is listed as a leading researcher. However, without him, this business would not be able to work: Pevchikh, according to the project's website, is a leading researcher and co-owner of a patent for the invention of microneedles.

Until 2021, Konstantin Pevchikh owned two legal entities in Russia that were engaged in the production of microneedles. According to the Kontur.Focus business information database, this is 25% of the Zelenograd company Igla LLC. It was she who was engaged in commercial orders for microneedles in Russia.

According to the Federal Patent System (FIPS), the Russian company Igla owns a number of patents in the field of micromechanics. These are the rights to utility models of an array of microneedles, to the manufacture of micromechanical elements from single-crystalline silicon wafers, as well as a patent for a method for manufacturing a microneedle in an "integral design with internal channels."

Konstantin Pevchikh also owned a 20% stake in the authorized capital of the biotechnology company NIOBIS for the development of vaccine administration systems, however, according to Kontur.Focus, at the moment he is no longer listed among the co-owners.

According to the State Register of Legal Entities of Latvia, the co-founders of Skinport were Latvian citizens Maksims Yakovlevs, Andrejs Samsonovs and Oksana Vilne.

* The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) is included in the register of NGOs performing the functions of a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.2019. The organization was recognized as extremist, its activities were banned by the decision of the Moscow City Court dated 09.06.2021.

** Included in the register of individuals-foreign agents by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.2023.