On Tuesday evening, a large police operation was carried out in Björklinge. There, the police seized nearly 200 kilograms of explosives. Two people have been arrested on suspicion of, among other things, preparation of gross devastation to the public.

"I guess that amount of damage would be enormous. It's difficult to answer, but that amount could damage a larger block," says Nils Myhr.

The Trend in Gang Conflicts

He is a forensic scientist and feels that it has become trendy to use explosives in gang conflicts, and he is supported by the statistics. If you look at the number of detonations in the Central Police Region, which includes Uppsala, seven different forms of explosive devices have been detonated up to and including September this year. This is more detonations than in 2021 and 2022 combined, when the number of reported detonations was six.

The number of reports of attempted devastation has also increased. From having varied between 1-2 notifications per year between 2018-2022, that number is up to seven so far this year.

"Looks a bit like a war scene"

Nils Myhr says that one reason is that it is so easy to get hold of.

"It's special to come to a place like this, it looks a bit like a war site and it's thankfully something we in Sweden are extremely unaccustomed to," says Nils Myhr.

In the clip: "Worryingly easy to get over", the police on why the explosive violence is increasing.