Laura Laplaud 08:41, October 11, 2023, modified at 08:44, October 11, 2023

Hamas terrorists attacked Kibbutz Kfar Aza, a village near the Gaza Strip border, on Saturday morning. On the spot, the Israeli army reports that women, children and babies have been massacred. Invited to La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews on Wednesday, the president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, denounced "crimes against humanity".

On the fifth day of Hamas' surprise attack on Israel, the Israeli army uncovers new massacres perpetrated by the Palestinian Islamist movement. Women, children, babies and the elderly were brutally massacred in Kibbutz Kfar Aza and Beeri, villages near the Gaza Strip. According to the president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, a guest on La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews on Wednesday, these "intolerable and unacceptable crimes are reminiscent of the most dramatic periods affecting the Jewish community."

"A form of barbarism, hatred, destruction of values"

"This is a crime against humanity. Murdering people who are sleeping, people who are resting, young people who are partying, it reminds us of the Bataclan, children, taking them hostage, all that... It is the symbol of a form of barbarism, hatred, destruction of the values that have gradually built our humanity and that democracies are trying to defend," said Gérard Larcher, who calls for "never giving in".

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