According to the library, they have struggled with children and young people as young as fourth graders vaping and spitting indoors, destroying tables and chairs, and burning holes in a sofa.

"The staff have not felt safe and other visitors have complained that the library has been a messy place," says library director Towe Karlsson.

Can be visited anyway

Two weeks ago, Towe Karlsson therefore made the decision to close the library indefinitely at 17 p.m. instead of 19 p.m. between Mondays and Thursdays.

"The aim is to create breathing space for us in the staff so that we can decide what to do next," says Towe Karlsson.

But even if the doors are closed to the public, library staff must still be on site until 19 p.m. to drop off or pick up a reserved book.

"If there's someone who really wants to get in, of course we'll let them in. But we don't want to hang out here anymore and that's why we close at 17 p.m.," says Towe Karlsson.

In the clip, Towe Karlsson talks about the destruction that led to the opening hours being changed.