China News Network, October 10 Comprehensive foreign media reported that on the 9th local time, the fierce conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip armed group continued to occur, with the death toll exceeding 8,1100 and thousands injured. At the same time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin announced that the U.S. Secretary of Defense announced that the U.S. Secretary of Defense announced that "Gerald A. The USS R. Ford aircraft carrier battle group moved closer to Israel in the eastern Mediterranean to prepare for any situation.

According to the Associated Press, on the same day, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin issued a statement saying that he ordered "Gerald A. The USS R. Ford aircraft carrier battle group moved closer to Israel in the eastern Mediterranean to include an aircraft carrier, a guided-missile cruiser and four guided-missile destroyers in a show of force and readiness for any eventuality, including preventing more weapons from reaching the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and conducting surveillance.

Image source: Screenshot of the Associated Press report

According to the report, the USS Ford is the newest and most advanced aircraft carrier of the US Navy and the third generation of the US Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The large-scale deployment also includes a large number of ships and warplanes.

Austin said the U.S. has also taken steps to bolster the Air Force's F-35, F-15, F-16 and A-10 fighter squadrons in the region.

"The United States maintains combat readiness globally to further strengthen this deterrence posture if needed."

In addition, the Biden administration also announced on the same day that "additional equipment and resources, including ammunition, will be quickly provided to the Israel Defense Forces." The first shipment of security assistance began on the 8th and will arrive in the coming days. ”

According to Agence France-Presse, Hamas accused the United States of providing more military aid to Israel, amounting to "aggression" against the Palestinians.

Hamas said in a statement on the 8th, "The United States announced that it would provide an aircraft carrier to support the (Israeli) occupation, which is actually aggression against our people." ”

At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office issued a statement on the same day, saying that after Hamas launched a large-scale attack on Israel, the Israeli security cabinet has officially approved the transfer of the country to a "state of war", which means that the government can carry out "major military activities."

IDF chief spokesman Daniel Hegeri said on the 8th that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reserve soldiers to "prepare for the final ground counterattack on the Gaza Strip", which is Israel's largest recruitment activity in the past decades.

On October 10, local time, Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip exploded a Palestinian apartment building, rising fireballs and smoke.

According to previous reports, a new round of military conflicts broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th local time, with the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launching military operations against Israel on the same day, and the Israeli army launching multiple rounds of air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

According to Reuters reported on the 8th, the death toll caused by the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has exceeded 1100,<>.