Recently, under the guise of so-called Russia-related factors, the US Department of Commerce included some Chinese entities in the "entity list" of export control. Regardless of the factual basis and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, this typical economic coercion and unilateral bullying behavior of the United States will eventually lead to a dead end.

In fact, this is not the first time that the United States has used the concept of national security as an excuse to abuse export control tools such as the Entity List to unjustifiably suppress multinational enterprises such as China.

In November 2022, the Biden administration banned the approval of new telecommunications equipment from companies such as Huawei and ZTE, citing what it said were "an unacceptable risk" to U.S. national security." In June 11, the U.S. Department of Commerce added several Chinese entities to its export control list for allegedly "suspected recruitment of Western pilots to train Chinese military personnel and develop hypersonic weapons."

It is not difficult to find that generalizing the concept of national security and attacking Chinese enterprises by any means under the guise of military involvement and human rights has become a common trick used by the United States to maintain its military and technological hegemony.

On the other hand, the United States itself, while constantly supplying troops to Ukraine, resulting in the continuous expansion of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, frequently spreads false information about China's supply of weapons to Russia, and takes the opportunity to sanction Chinese companies for no reason. This double standard precisely exposes the hypocrisy of the United States on the so-called security issue, and the unilateral bullying attempt of the United States is clearly exposed.

In addition to China, entities from Finland, Germany, India, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom are also included in the export control list. U.S. suppliers are required to obtain permission from the U.S. government to supply goods to entities on the list.

In recent years, it has become the norm for the United States to abuse its state power and exercise "long-arm jurisdiction" over entities and individuals of other countries. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2021, the US government's foreign sanctions soared by 933%. As of 2021, the United States has imposed sanctions on nearly 40 countries around the world, affecting nearly half of the world's population.

The United States abuses its national power to suppress enterprises in China and other countries, exhausts all means to encircle and block China in key industrial fields, and is the number one destroyer of the stable development of the world economy and the biggest economic coercion of the international community. Chinese enterprises are booming, and any suppression and containment cannot erase their strong vitality.

At present, the funds to keep the US government running out are running out, and at the same time, the threat of "debt bombs" is intensifying, and the US fiscal outlook is not optimistic. The United States should realize that if it does not immediately correct its erroneous practices, reflect on itself, continue to abuse trade and technological bullying, violate the principles of market economy, distort international economic and trade rules, and politicize, instrumentalize and weaponize economic, trade, and scientific and technological issues, its economic development will eventually come to an end. (End)