"Some of the ingredients in throat sprays can cause an allergic reaction. At best, it will manifest itself in watery eyes, abundant discharge and nasal congestion. At worst, angioedema will develop, which is an acute reaction of the body to an allergen. The main symptoms are sharply increasing swelling of the skin and mucous membranes in the area of the eyes, oral cavity and respiratory tract. At the same time, swelling of the larynx is especially dangerous - it can lead to suffocation," warned the expert doctor of the Gemotest laboratory.

Some sprays are contraindicated for pregnant women - this is due to the teratogenic effect of the active substances on the fetus, the RT interlocutor explained.

"Teratogenic drugs penetrate the fetus through the placenta, leading to malformations and functional disorders. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding, when dangerous substances enter the baby's body with breast milk. Therefore, all expectant mothers should first of all consult a doctor - he will select a drug that will quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and at the same time be safe for the child," the doctor said.

According to him, throat sprays should also be used with caution in children.

"Such drugs can cause reflex spasm of the airways in infants and toddlers under 3 years of age, so they are strictly contraindicated. In children over 3 years of age, they can be used only if it is indicated in the instructions. If there is no such mark, then the active ingredient either poses a threat to the child's body, or its efficacy and safety have not been studied in the category of young patients," the specialist said.

Lozenges and throat lozenges also have their contraindications, he added.

"Usually, the instructions for them indicate how many times and at what intervals they can be taken. If the dosage is exceeded, then undesirable consequences from the gastrointestinal tract may appear - these are, first of all, abdominal pain, nausea, drowsiness, heart palpitations," the doctor concluded.

Earlier, therapist Raziyat Chupanova told in an interview with RT what are the reasons for the difficulties with waking up in the fall and how to deal with them.