London, October 10 (Reporter Ouyang Kaiyu) On October 4, local time, the Chinese embassy and consulates in the United Kingdom issued a message to remind Chinese citizens to guard against all kinds of telecommunications fraud.

The Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK said that recently, the Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK have received a number of requests for help, and telecom fraud cases have increased significantly, among which "virtual kidnapping" and impersonation of domestic public security departments anti-fraud hotline type telecommunications fraud is particularly common. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in the UK reminds Chinese citizens in the UK, especially new students, to raise awareness of all kinds of fraud. The embassy and consulates have issued a reminder against the "virtual kidnapping" telecommunications scam. The special number 96110 of the domestic public security department for anti-telecommunications network fraud is specially used for early warning and dissuasion and prevention publicity to the masses, and will not call overseas numbers, but will only call and dissuade the parties when they encounter telecommunications network fraud, and will never inform the parties that they need to be investigated due to suspected fraud crimes, let alone require the parties to record confessions online or transfer remittances.

The Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK pointed out that there are currently endless fraud methods, including but not limited to impersonating public security laws, customs, embassy and consulate staff, courier companies, landlords, etc. Fraudulent content involves virtual kidnapping, illegal exchange of foreign exchange, online transactions, etc.

The Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in the UK once again reminds Chinese citizens in the UK to be vigilant and guard against telecommunications network fraud, and recommends downloading the "National Anti-fraud Center" mini program. The "National Anti-fraud Center" mini program has the function of reporting cases and early warning calls, learning anti-fraud knowledge and improving prevention awareness. The Chinese embassy and consulates in the UK said that if they are unfortunately deceived, they should report the case to the local police in the UK and the public security organ where their household registration is located as soon as possible, and contact their account bank as soon as possible and request corresponding measures such as stopping payment and freezing. If you are unable to report the case directly to the domestic public security organs, you can ask close relatives in China for assistance and request assistance from the anti-telecommunications network fraud center where the case was reported, or you can call 110 and ask them to assist in transferring to the anti-fraud center. (End)