Bicycle thefts decreased by 6.6 percent between May and August this year, according to preliminary statistics from Brå that Dina försäkringar has taken part of. During the past summer months, 26,553 bicycles were reported stolen, compared to 28,428 bikes during the same period last year.

The figure is the lowest in over 20 years, when there have not been fewer notifications since 2000.

Among the counties, thefts have decreased mainly on Gotland, where they have decreased by about 37 percent. This is followed by Örebro County with a decrease of 17.3 percent and Jämtland County with 15.9 percent.

Bicycle thefts increased in Malmö

Among the major cities, thefts decreased in Gothenburg and Stockholm, by 12.1 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively. Those cities have the lowest number of reported thefts since 2012.

On the other hand, thefts increased in Malmö, with an increase of 4.5 percent. This means that bicycle theft is at the highest level since 2013.

How to behave in cycling – hear the expert's advice in the clip:

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Are you allowed to cycle past the bike queue at the red lights? No, cycling expert Tobias Adolfsson does not think so. Photo: Eneida Berisha