Hebron- "Twenty years ago, we did not rest in our minds and did not taste happiness," summed up two decades of suffering as a result of the Israeli persecution of her six children.

From one son of a detainee to another who is chased by the occupation army and a third who is engaged in the fourth open-ended hunger strike, the heart and feelings of um Akram are distributed, with the accompanying anxiety and fear for their lives.

Fawzia Al-Fasfos has not met with her six sons in one session in 20 years (Al Jazeera)

Fourth strike

For the fourth time since 2019, Kayed al-Fasfos, 34, is on an open-ended hunger strike for freedom, but this time he comes in light of a chase for his brother Mahmoud accompanied by repeated raids on family homes.

Al-Fasfus was arrested on May 5 and began his strike on August 3, knowing that he spent in Israeli prisons for about 7 years, and he had previously gone on hunger strike several times, the last of which he spent 131 consecutive days in 2021, and two strikes in 2019, one of which exceeded two months.

The Israeli Supreme Court decides to return the case of the striking detainee Kayed Al-Fasfos to the Military Court of Appeals https://t.co/EbF8NeEAMZ

— Quds News Network (@qudsn) October 2, 2023

Today, Kayed's mother is most worried that his current strike – which has entered its third month – will continue for the same period as the previous 131 days, but the most painful scenario and the most disturbing obsession she feels is that the news of his death will come to her, as happened with the prisoner Khader Adnan, who was martyred in his cell on May 2023, 87 after <> days of hunger strike.

Says um Akram for Al Jazeera Net that "the heart of the mother guide" so she fears for the life of Kayed, and strengthened fears because of the neglect that he is exposed to and not presented to doctors or transferred to the hospital despite the entry of his strike third month.

Kayed "is subjected to approved medical negligence, does not move, suffers from pain throughout his body, is banned from visiting relatives, is currently detained in a cell in Ramle prison, and does not receive the necessary health care," she said.

The mother cannot visit her son, and quotes his lawyers, who visit him from time to time, that "his weight is decreasing, and he has lost more than 30 kilograms."

House of Sadness

Those who know the Fasfus family home, located in the town of Dura, south of Hebron, call it the "house of grief," where the children have not met their mother for twenty years.

Um Akram recounts the story, "Akram's eldest son has been detained for five months, and the total years of his detention exceed 3 years, while Khaled has been administratively detained for 9 months, and the total number of his arrests exceeded 9 years."

"Hafez has also been detained for months, and spent more than four and a half years in prison, and Mahmoud is now chased by the occupation, and has already spent more than 13 years in detention," while Hassan – his mother adds – "was released a few days ago and spent more than nine years in prison."

"Mashan Allah, people, help Baba", an innocent appeal from the daughter of the hunger-striking prisoner in the occupation prisons, Kayed Al-Fasfos#Palestine#الجزيرة_مباشر pic.twitter.com/IUaF3Gtm68

— Al Jazeera Mubasher (@ajmubasher) September 24, 2023

Um Akram points out that she has not met with all her children since 2000 "neither in joy nor in sadness", and says, "Not only that, but I suffer day and night, worried about the detainees, Kayed, the hunger striker, and Mahmoud the chaser."

The prisoner's mother demands support from the Palestinians of the West Bank and the 48 territories, the presidency and the Palestinian leadership, so that Kayed is released and the fate of Khader Adnan is not met.

Just as a mother lives suffering because of the occupation, the children and families of her children live similar suffering and great responsibility as a result of being away from them and not being able to visit and meet them.

"The judiciary is an arm of intelligence"

In turn, the Palestinian Prisoners' Club said in a statement on Monday reached Al Jazeera Net that the Israeli Supreme Court refused to consider a petition submitted by the lawyer of the Prisoners' Authority against the continued detention of Kayed Al-Fasfos, and decided to return the case to the Military Court of Appeals, which had previously refused to consider the request for his release.

📊 Infographic. The captive Kayed Alphosphos. 62 days on hunger strike #The Prisoner #كايد_الفسفوس #إضراب_عن_الطعام pic.twitter.com/MnRpD9bXkn

— Al-Istiqlal Newspaper _ Palestine (@alestqlalps94) October 2, 2023

The club added that the court's decision means that "the judicial system of the occupation continues its role as a key arm to implement the decisions of the occupation intelligence service (Shin Bet), and today continues this role in the case of administrative detainee Kayed Al-Fasfos, who has been on hunger strike for 61 days, and who faces a serious health situation in Ramle prison."

Administrative detention is issued by Israeli military order for several months, renewable, without charge or time limit.